September 2016

From Our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

International Week flags in the Johnson Center. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University
Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

Learn a New Language for Free: Rosetta Stone Access through University Libraries
University Libraries now offer free Rosetta Stone Language Learning Software to all Mason faculty, staff, and students. Access more information at Choose from 30 different languages, all at no charge.

Get to know our University Libraries! For more resources available to you, visit

Outstanding Achievement Awards, Call for Nominations
Who will you “Elect for Success?” Nominate a Mason colleague for the 2016 Outstanding Achievement Awards. The nomination deadline is October 3, 2016, and the ceremony will take place on Thursday, November 3, at 10 a.m. in Dewberry Hall.

For a detailed list of the awards and nomination forms, visit Questions? Contact Beth Baroody at 703-993-2739 or