January 2017

From Our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

New SUPERvisor Series Announcement
After much thought, the longstanding New SUPERvisor Series program has been redesigned. The new version, which will be cohort-based and include developmental opportunities (in addition to its rigorous curriculum) is coming in early 2017. Those interested in being part of our pilot cohort are invited to email Robyn Madar, Program Manager/Trainer, at 

Human Resources and Payroll End-of-Years News and Reminders
The Human Resources and Payroll End-of-Year Newsletter went out on Thursday, December 8, to all active employees who receive a paycheck from Mason (this includes student employees—wage, GRAs, GTAs, and RAs– as well as faculty and staff). We encourage everyone to review the reminders, which include timely and important information about W-2s and more.

Who’s Walking Wednesday
Start 2017 with a walking plan! Each Wednesday at noon, join us in the Wellness Circle in front of Merten Hall for a 30-minute walk around campus. Exercise your leadership: sign up to be a walk leader, and invite your colleagues to join you. This is a terrific way to take a break, get some fresh air, and move a little. The 2017 sign-up sheets are now available. Visit and scroll to Who’s Walking Wednesday. Walk leader sign-ups are available for Arlington and SciTech, too!

Financial Well-Being
Kick off the New Year with a plan to enhance your financial well-being. Visit the Financial Well-Being portal for resources and information to assist you.

TIAA 2017 Individual Retirement Counseling Session Schedule Available
Mason’s three retirement vendors provide individual retirement counseling sessions, including sessions held on campus. TIAA’s dates for 2017 are now available. Fidelity Investments and ICMA-RC will soon follow. For dates, times, and locations for TIAA, see the Individual Retirement Counseling page.

Enrollment Open: Virginia 529 PrePAID Program
Enrollment is open for the Virginia 529 PrePAID program from December 1, 2016 through March 31, 2017. For details and enrollment materials, visit the Virginia 529 PrePAID site. For additional information, visit the program overview for a description of the PrePAID program and the other 529 savings programs.

A New Name
Human Resources and Payroll’s Training and Organizational Development team has been renamed to better reflect its mission and offerings. Going forward, the team name is Organizational Development, Learning, and Coaching.