December 2014

From Our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day: Registration Now Open!

Registration is open for Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day at

Join us on December 2 as we feature each of the Mason values through speakers, breakout sessions, and an expo. The day will open with two keynote speakers – Wendi Manuel-Scott on how to live your values and Mandy O’Neill on companionate love in the workplace. Stay up to date by following us on Twitter @MasonFSED.

If your department is interested in participating in the Expo, please contact for details.

Deadline Extended: Entertainment Books

Entertainment coupon books are available for purchase online at a discount through Friday, December 5!  Books are available for cities across the nation or close to home.  They make great gifts!  Books start at $25 each using the link below. will donate 25% of the cost of each book purchased by December 5, 2014 to the Faculty/Staff Book Scholarship Fund.  And shipping is free!  Share the link below with family and friends.

Visit Mason’s Entertainment Book site at to order and support the Faculty/Staff Book Scholarship.

Financial Well-Being Seminar Series

December financial education classes are just a click away!  Please review the diverse learning opportunities available on-campus or online throughout this academic year. Topics include budgeting, saving, individual planning, investing, and retirement.  This month, on-site classes, held at noon (and videoconferenced to Arlington and Prince William*) include:

December 3: Managing Your Money in Tough Times with a representative from Anthem’s Employee Assistance Program

December 8: Shifting from Savings to Spending with Jeff Jones from Fidelity

For a description of each session and to register, visit  To review the entire financial well-being program, visit Financial Well-Being at Mason (

Holiday Schedule for the Remainder of 2014 and All of 2015

The holiday schedule for the rest of 2014 and all of 2015 is available on the Benefits website or directly at Holiday Schedule.

Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC)

The 2014 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) is under way.  Contact Helga Yunker at for pledge cards or additional information.  Online giving is available for both payroll deduction as well as one-time credit card donations at eDirect (

A list of charities can be viewed at