November 2014

From our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

CHHS nursing students giving flu shots. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University
CHHS nursing students giving flu shots. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

Last On-Site Flu Shot Clinic

For COVA Care, COVA HDHP, and COVA HealthAware participants, there is an on-site flu shot clinic in conjunction with Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day on Tuesday, December 2 from 9:00-2:00 in the Johnson Center Gold Room. To make an appointment, please call 877.728.6655, Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. For details, please visit Flu Shot Information 2014. If you have any questions, please call the HR & Payroll Customer Service Center at 3.2600 and ask for the Life/Work Connections team.

November Classes

Financial education is just a click away!  Please review the diverse learning opportunities available on-campus or on-line throughout this academic year. Programming runs across many different financial topics including budgeting, saving, individual planning, investing, and retirement.  This month, on-site classes, held at noon (and video-conferenced to Arlington and Prince William*) include:

Classes this Month

November 12:  Retirement Education for Those at Mid-Career with Steve Scott from ICMA-RC

November 13: Building a Better Budget with Sarah Lieu from Apple Federal Credit Union

November 20: Fabulous Finds for Less – Fashion, Furnishings and Power Tools at Thrift Stores and Yard Sales with Bobbie Merritt from HR & Payroll

November 24: Making the Most of Annuities with Jeff Jones from Fidelity Investments

To register for these classes, please visit  To review the entire financial well-being program, visit Financial Well-Being at Mason (

National Outdoor Challenge

Mason is one of 10 schools vying to win the National Outdoor Challenge.  At stake are bragging rights (of course), $50,000 worth of outdoor gear for the university, and a chance for you to win a prize too.  Wow.  Participating is easy.  Check out the infographic at  1) register at 2) Participate in an outdoor activity for 30 minutes  – hiking, biking, walking, running, picnicking, gardening, walking your dog, you name it, 3) Take a picture of yourself doing it, 4) Upload the photo to the challenge website 5) Repeat and spread the word.   Faculty, staff, and students are eligible to participate but so are alumni, retirees, friends and family.   When signing up, select George Mason University as the school you’re supporting.  The Challenge is underway until November 22. Mason Recreation will be giving out weekly prizes as well.

Go Mason!!  Let’s bring that prize back home to Northern Virginia!

Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign

The 2014 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) is under way.  Contact Helga Yunker at for pledge cards or additional information.  Online giving is available for both payroll deduction as well as one-time credit card donations at eDirect (  A list of charities can be viewed at