Profile of a Senator September 2021

Meet LaTisha Elcock: Staff Senator and Administrative Assistant, Helen Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities

LaTisha Elcock, Staff Senate. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services

Mason journey: I came to Mason in April of 2019 as a part-time employee. Since then, my duties have expanded and now include editorial assistant on an academic journal, early researcher on an Institute of Education Sciences grant, and most recently, student. I am currently pursuing a graduate certificate in Education Policy and, honestly, I could not be happier.

COVID-19 transition: Like most of the university, my team transitioned to remote work in March of 2020 and I am just beginning to return to the office. I was initially very nervous about the remote transition but everyone on my team was able to adjust in record time. My dining room table is now my office desk, and while my family no longer has a designated location for formal, in-house dinners, I can say that I have been super productive in my work-from-home space. My work is both rewarding and relevant.

Best thing about working for Mason: The people, including the staff and faculty, as well as all of the work that everyone is doing here at Mason. It inspires me so much. I believe that the university’s potential is limitless and I am beyond excited to see where GMU will be in 10 years.

Unique fact: Few things make me happier than creating a new recipe and baking a decadent dessert. When I am not working or shuttling my two active high schoolers from one event to another, I can be found in the kitchen working miracles with butter, sugar, and eggs.

Why I serve on the Staff Senate: As an undergraduate at Howard University, I became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. In doing so, I pledged to provide service to all mankind. Whether I am volunteering at my kids’ school, serving on the board of my neighborhood pool, or presenting an issue to the university’s administration on behalf of my peers here at GMU, I believe strongly in working with and advocating for those whose voices may not always be heard.

At the end of the day: I love my job and am proud to be a Patriot. I am especially proud of the work that the Staff Senate does and hope to continue serving in this capacity for years to come.