Mason Staff Senate

Senator Highlight: Cloud Spurlock

Cloud Spurlock, English Language Institute
Cloud Spurlock, Staff Senate

Cloud Spurlock is the Marketing and Communications Coordinator for INTO Mason. She has worked at Mason since 2009. Cloud completed her M.A. in English at Mason, and is currently a candidate for an M.F.A. in Creative Writing – Poetry.

In college and during summers, I worked such a hodgepodge of jobs! I was a camp counselor, Spanish language instructor, barista, waitress, bookseller, receptionist and IT support tech. For the year before I joined Mason, I was a staff manager at University Mall Theatres across the street from campus.

I started working at Mason because I want to be in school forever! But seriously, I was looking for more than a job. It was important for me to find a community where I could put down roots and grow. Education and life-long learning are values that run strong in my family, so a university seemed like a magical place to spend most of my time. Working in the English department was a dream come true.

After working at Mason for six years in three different departments, I love that I have worked with so many different people across the campuses on so many different projects. This inspired me to join Staff Senate. Now, my week doesn’t feel normal if I haven’t had a chance to meet someone new and find out more about how all the pieces of the Mason puzzle fit together. I am so grateful when I get to be a link between other people’s ideas or shared goals.

I had no idea that the Staff Senate meetings are open to everyone in the Mason community, and I wish I had been attending before I became a Senator. My favorite presentations so far have been from Strategic Communications, President Cabrera, Provost Wu, and participants in the Global Professional Staff Exchange Program.

I chair the Awards Committee, which is involved in the selection of the Outstanding Supervisor Award and the Global Professional Staff Exchange winners. We also present a Staff Senate gift to each Employee of the Month at Mason. This year, we want to raise awareness of the different opportunities Mason provides supervisors to recognize their employees’ contributions.

Fun fact about me: I collect elephant banks. Because I love elephants so much, I thought that I could curb my desire to purchase all the elephant things if I limited my collection to coin banks. But I have at least 20 now!

From Our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

Outstanding Achievement Awards
The deadline is fast approaching, so please don’t forget to submit your nominations for the Outstanding Achievement Awards by October 2.

We’ve also recently added The Civility Star Award and will be accepting nominations for that award through October 14. If you know someone who is a role model of civility and respect here at Mason, consider nominating them for this exciting and important new award. For questions, contact Beth Baroody at 703-993-2739 or email

Who Will Be #300?
Mason’s 300th Employee of the Month will be named in December. Submit your nomination now for your colleague to receive the honor of being #300. Nomination forms can be found at Questions? Call Beth Baroody at 703-993-2739.

October Learning Opportunities
October financial and physical well-being education classes are just a click away! This month, on-site classes (videoconferenced to Arlington and Science and Technology) include:

October 5 at noon: Joint Health: You Rest, You Rust with Patrice Winter of the College of Health and Human Services
October 12 at noon: Getting on the Right Path with Your Workplace Savings with Jeff Jones of Fidelity Investments
October 15 at noon: Brain Health as You Age with Christi Clark of Insight Memory Care Center
October 29 at noon: Transitioning from Career to Retirement with Marilyn Huang of TIAA-CREF
November 2 at noon: Preparing Your Savings for Retirement with Jeff Jones of Fidelity Investments

For more information and to register, visit

In addition to on-site classes, we hope you will visit the Financial Well-Being Portal, where you can find online sessions and a host of other financial resources to help you round out your personal financial knowledge.

TIAA-CREF’s Financial IQ Challenge 2.0
We are pleased to team up with TIAA-CREF to bring you the newest What’s Your Financial IQ Challenge. By testing your financial know-how, you could win a $25 Amex gift card!

From October 1 to October 31, take this educational challenge to have fun and learn important information about financial planning. The What’s Your Financial IQ Challenge 2.0 features all new topics and questions to test your financial knowledge. Each day, five new questions are added to the challenge. Every time you play, you are entered for a chance to win a $25 Amex gift card. The more you play, the better your chances of winning – so sign on every day! (All responses are confidential.) Ready to test your financial savvy?

Member Benefit Profiles Available at VRS
Annual Member Benefit Profiles (MBP) for faculty and staff who are enrolled in Plan 1 and Plan 2 of the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) are now available by logging into your account at MBP’s provide information about your retirement and other benefits as a member of VRS. Questions? Email or call 703-993-27600 and ask for the Benefits Team.

Smoking at Mason
A gentle reminder that, as a state agency, Mason abides by Commonwealth policy on smoking. Please do not smoke within 25 feet of any building, including parking structures. Additionally, dispose of cigarette butts properly by putting them in a receptacle designed for this purpose. Please do not litter.

Mason’s smoking policy is available at

Remember that courtesy can help bridge differences.  Let’s work together on this one.

October Staff Senate Meeting: Updates from State Government Relations

Mason staff, students, faculty, and alumni are seen with Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and members of the Virginia General Assembly on the steps of the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond during Mason Lobbies Day. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
Mason staff, students, faculty, and alumni are seen with Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and members of the Virginia General Assembly on the steps of the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond during Mason Lobbies Day. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

Wednesday, October 7
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Fairfax Campus: Merten Hall, Room 1201
Arlington Campus: Founders Hall, Room B119 (videoconferenced)
Science and Technology Campus: Bull Run Hall, Room 254 (videoconferenced)

Guest Speakers:
Mark Smith and Sabena Moretz from State Government Relations will share updates with Mason staff regarding key legislative issues and activities in Richmond.

Guest speakers begin at noon, followed by time to ask questions, express concerns, or offer accolades about issues concerning the Staff Senate.

September Employee of the Month: Samira Lloyd

President Ángel Cabrera presents the Employee of the Month award to Samira Lloyd at a ceremony at the Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
President Ángel Cabrera presents the Employee of the Month award to Samira Lloyd at a ceremony at the Fairfax Campus. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

A heartfelt congratulations to Samira Lloyd, Office Coordinator with the Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research (OSCAR), for being selected as the September 2015 Employee of the Month award winner. Read more about Samira in this Mason News article.

Do you know a superstar? Make sure he or she receives the deserved recognition, and submit a nomination for Mason’s Employee of the Month. Additional information can be found on the HR awards page.

Contact Reward and Recognition at with questions.