Mason Staff Senate

Updates from Parking and Transportation

Save the Date: Abandoned Bike Sale 

Parking and Transportation’s “As Is” Abandoned Bike Sale will be held on Friday, September 16 from 2-4 p.m. in the visitor section of the Shenandoah Parking Deck. We have about 75-80 bikes to sell this year.  One bike per customer. Mason students, faculty, and staff only. Details, once finalized, will be at Questions? Please contact Parking and Transportation at 3-2828 or via email at 


Fall Shuttle Schedules Available 

Fall 2022 shuttle schedules are posted at  For a summary of fall shuttle service visit Please note: many routes have schedule changes from this past spring, including reduced service levels on Fridays on some routes.  A reminder that the Burke VRE route has been suspended indefinitely.  

Additionally, summer schedules are operating through Friday, Aug. 19. Fall schedules begin with weekend service on Aug. 20-21 on the Fairfax/SciTech, Gunston Mason, and On-Demand shuttle routes.  Fairfax/Mason Square, Sandy Creek to Metro, and West Campus fall service begins on Monday, August 22. There will be a special one-day Sunday service on the West Campus shuttle on Sunday, Aug. 21 from noon to 10 p.m. 

Questions?  Please contact Parking and Transportation at 3-2828 or via email at 


Fall Semester Parking Permit Sales Underway 

Fall semester parking permit sales began online on Aug. 1.  Please visit to purchase. For those faculty/staff who currently have payroll deduction permits, these permits will automatically renew on 9/1/22. 

For more information, please visit If you have any questions, please contact us at 3-2710 or via email at 


New Equipment In Most Mason Parking Decks 

If you currently have parking deck validations, are a current deck permit holder or plan to purchase one for the fall 2022 semester, you may know that there are new equipment upgrades under way in the Mason Pond (Fairfax), Rappahannock (Fairfax), and Van Metre (Mason Square) parking decks.  

For departments and individuals with visitor validations for Van Metre Garage and Mason Pond Deck, the validations will need to be exchanged for new ones that utilize QR codes. You may use existing Mason Pond Deck validations in Shenandoah Deck for a short while longer, but please note that Shenandoah Deck will have new pay stations in September or October, similar to the ones in Rappahannock Deck that use validation codes instead of tickets. Also, new hourly visitor rates for all garages took effect on Aug. 8, with the all-day rate increasing to $18. Although the rate is increasing, you can replace your current validations with the new QR code validations by visiting the Parking Office at no cost. 

During the transition, the gates for these decks have been up but they were lowered on Aug. 8 in the Van Metre garage and on Aug. 9 in Mason Pond when the new technology was activated.  

For information on how the new equipment will impact you as a permit holder, please visit