Celebrate Employee Learning Week! December 7–11
Employee Learning Week (ELW) is an awareness campaign that highlights the important connection between learning and achieving organizational results. To participate in ELW, create an account at lynda.gmu.edu and choose an online training video that applies to your job. View the video and submit your answers to the questions below to hrlearn@gmu.edu by 5 p.m. on Friday, December 11. Your submission will be entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes. For more information on ELW, visit employeelearningweek.org.
1. What was the name of the online class and the trainer?
2. What was one new thing you learned?
3. How will you apply what you learned to your job?
Family Matters at Mason: An Invitation for Feedback
A Mason working group composed of faculty, staff, and administrators has been formed to explore faculty and staff needs and ideas in the area of family support. We are currently seeking feedback on two specific initiatives related to the child care needs of our faculty and staff living near or working on the Fairfax Campus:
- Spring Break Camp for school-aged children (12 and under)
- Extended Hours Care (before 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m.) for children 2-12 years old
We also invite faculty and staff at all Mason locations to share their specific family care challenges, including child care, eldercare, special needs support, and other family care matters.
As you know, the university recently implemented a new Parental Leave Policy for Instructional 9-Month Faculty. Through the survey below, we hope to gather further feedback on family-related challenges and potential university supports. Depending upon your responses, there is a maximum of 12 questions, and we anticipate the survey will take less than seven minutes to complete.
The Family Matters Survey is available for the next couple of weeks. Feel free to email worklife@gmu.edu if you have any questions.
Nominations for Employee of the Month
Recognizing Mason superstars is an important job, and everyone can participate. If you work with an incredible Mason Admin/Prof faculty member, classified staff member, or wage employee who goes the extra mile, collaborates successfully, and supports our students and colleagues, nominate them for Mason’s Employee of the Month award. Additional information can be found at hr.gmu.edu/awards/eotm.php.
Contact Reward and Recognition at 703-993-2739 or awards@gmu.edu with any questions.
Reminder: Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign
The 2015 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) is underway. Contact Helga Yunker at hyunker@gmu.edu for pledge cards or additional information. Online giving is available for both payroll deduction as well as one-time credit card donations at eDirect.virginia.gov. A list of charities can be viewed at cvc.virginia.gov/directorylist.html.
Help the Child Development Center Help Others
Mason’s Child Development Center (CDC) is taking the concepts of sharing and caring beyond the classroom and into the community by supporting a philanthropic cause for this year’s season of thanks. Ellie’s Hats is a program that collects new winter hats (bought or handmade) through December 16 for local children battling childhood cancer. A flyer is available to post in your office. Your generous donation can be dropped off at the CDC or Human Resources and Payroll (Merten Hall, Suite 4100).
Financial Well-Being Seminar Series: December Classes
Financial education classes are just a click away. Upcoming on-site classes are listed below. Both sessions will be video conferenced to the Arlington and SciTech Campuses. Visit hr.gmu.edu/learning/hr.php to register.
- December 3, 12 p.m.: Raising Money Smart Teens with Tom Katovsich of the Virginia Credit Union
- December 10, 12 p.m.: Halfway There – A Retirement Check Up with Lisa Fulco of TIAA-CREF
Contact worklife@gmu.edu or 703-993-2600 with questions.
Registration Now Open: Leading to Well-Being Conference 2016
Registration is now open for the 2016 Leading to Well-Being: Cultivating Resilience Conference, co-sponsored by MasonLeads and the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. This year’s keynote speakers are Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. David Cooperrider, and Dr. Annie McKee. Optional Thursday Pre-Conference Intensives include:
- The HeartMath Institute
- David L. Cooperrider/Appreciative Inquiry
- The Strozzi Institute
- The Chopra Center
A limited number of discounted tickets are available for Mason employees. Space for optional Thursday Intensives is limited. Mason employees who register by December 4 receive an extra $25 off the Friday conference ticket.
For more information and to register, click here. Contact Brandice Valentino at 703-993-5049 or bvalent2@gmu.edu with questions.