Mason Staff Senate

From the Staff Senate Chair . . .

Autumn in Virginia and at George Mason University is spectacular. The changing fall foliage never fails to amaze and surprise us. New and returning Patriots arrive and the campus is abuzz with the excitement of the start of the fall semester. As the semester progresses, it’s clear that this year will be both challenging and exciting.

One of the challenges affecting all of Mason is the budget cuts. On October 1, Provost Wu and Sr. VP JJ Davis, will hold an open budget discussion which will provide an opportunity for the Mason Community to learn more about the budget climate. This is follow-up to the budget forum that was held in early September.

The 2014-2015 year also promises to be exciting. There are new Mason staff and administration who have joined the Mason community this summer including Dr. Wu as new Provost, and our new Athletic Director, Brad Edwards. I know I am excited to see what is in store both inside and outside of the classroom. This month, I encourage you to take advantage of some of the new or reinvented activities here on campus including Mason athletic games, Geek Week, Family Weekend or Mason Madness.

Stephanie Payton

Chair, Staff Senate
Admin & Budget Support Specialist, Orientation, Family Programs & Services