Mason Staff Senate

Accomplishments and Initiatives


  • The Staff Senate chair was invited by the university president to serve on the President’s Council.
  • Facilitate annual food and toy drives to benefit those in need in our communities.
  • Produce monthly newsletter to keep staff informed of campus updates, resources, and important announcements.
  • In partnership with the university administration, increased the tuition waiver from six to 12 hours annually.
  • Participated in updating the Smoking Policy Enforcement.
  • Launched the Mason Military Outreach organization to support Mason community members who are serving or who have loved ones serving in the military.
  • Worked successfully with Physical Plant administration to provide winter coats for employees in addition to the lightweight jackets previously provided.
  • Established a gift program for Employees of the Month, who are acknowledged at the university’s monthly ceremony.
  • Established an extensive listserv network to keep all classified and non-student wage employees informed of state legislative information and issues relating specifically to George Mason University.
  • Obtained representation on various university committees to facilitate staff concerns.
  • Prompted changes to emergency/inclement weather closing procedures that include earlier decision and notification of staff.
  • In response to staff concerns, prompted creation of Employee Relations position within HR.
  • Served on high-profile search committees to influence the selection of university leadership.
  • Voice for the Mason staff influenced the allocation of 2011 wage increase.
  • Instrumental in persuading Mason Recreation to keep prices competitive for the benefit of Mason staff.
  • Established summer dining hours of operation forum to influence increased dining choices on campus.


  • Workplace Violence Policy
  • Commuter Choice benefits and promotion
  • Fitness and recreation opportunities for staff
  • Improvement of Outreach Process
  • Policy reviews
  • Commuter benefits for part-time staff
  • Eliminating trucks and golf carts on sidewalks
  • Promotions/discounts for staff at Center for the Arts and EagleBank Arena