What does Staff Senate do?
The mission of the Staff Senate is to:
- Welcome staff comments and recommendations.
- Represent all classified and non-student wage employees.
- Promote honest and open communication between the administration and staff.
- Serve as advisors in the governance of the university by encouraging actions that address current and future needs of the entire university community.
How can the Staff Senate help me?
Staff Senators have a thorough knowledge of university policies and procedures, as well as departments and operating units. If you’ve ever been at work and asked the question, “Whom do I talk to about this?” most likely a Staff Senator will be able to help or refer you to someone who can.
Whom do I contact if I have a concern?
Contact any staff senator by phone or email, come to a general meeting or complete this form. For specific concerns, refer to the university advisory committee lists for the relevant member. You may also call the Staff Senate office at 703-993-4141 or email staffsenate@gmu.edu.
What are the benefits of being a staff senator?
The benefits to being a staff senator are numerous. Most notably:
- The chance to make a difference for Mason staff, faculty, and students
- Greater involvement in the Mason community
- Broader knowledge of university operations
- Networking opportunities
How can I get involved if I am not a senator?
Talk with us! Give us information about concerns you may have by contacting any staff senator, completing our online form (you may remain anonymous if you wish), or attend a Staff Senate general meeting, which has time set aside to hear from our constituents.
Volunteer! If you would like to serve on a university advisory or search committee, please let us know. Complete the form here to volunteer.
Attend an event! Come to a staff appreciation event, a general meeting, or any of the other activities sponsored or supported by the Staff Senate.
If I want to be a staff senator, what do I do?
Staff Senators are elected for two-year terms. Nominations are held each June, elections are in July, and terms begin in August. Learn more about the process on the Join the Staff Senate page.
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