Danielle Fritz

Title: Risk, Safety & Resilience

Phone: 703-993-1294

Groups: Communications Committee, At-Large

Position Title: Risk & Insurance Analyst

Current Department: Risk, Safety & Resilience

Joined Mason in: Sept, 2011 as a part-time wage employee; Hired full-time in April, 2019

I love Mason because of the people. There is a wonderful sense of community amongst the faculty, staff and students that is hard to find in corporate America.

I joined Staff Senate in 2023

I joined because to become more connected. Since I have been at Mason for nearly 12 years, I feel I have knowledge and skills that can benefit others and the Staff Senate is a great way to share that knowledge and support the Mason community even from my remote location.

Rachel Spence

Title: International Enrollment Partnerships

Phone: 703-993-3809

Groups: Communications Committee, At-Large

Position: Academic Manager

Current Department: International Enrollment Partnerships

Previous Departments I have worked for: Global Education Office

Joined Mason in 2017.

I love working at Mason because we’re truly a university devoted to access and equity.

Joined the Staff Senate in 2022.

I joined the Staff Senate because as a fully remote employee working from California, I want to make sure that the needs and voices of all of Mason’s staff working worldwide are heard and represented by the Staff Senate.

Profile of a Senator: Rachel Spence (December 2022)

Jacquelyn Sims

Title: Office of the University Registrar

Phone: 703-993-2471

Groups: Executive Committee, Communications Committee, Fairfax Campus

Position: Assistant Registrar for Operations

Current Department: Office of the University Registrar

Joined Mason in: 2017

I love working at Mason because I love being a part of a community that prides itself on diversity and inclusion.

I joined the Staff Senate to connect with and advocate for my fellow colleagues. Jacquelyn Sims in the Staff Senate Vice Chair.

Profile of a Senator: Jacquelyn Sims (February 2023)

April Lopez

Title: Division of Special Education and disAbility Research

Phone: 703-993-4172

Groups: Executive Committee, Communications Committee, Fairfax Campus

Position: Administrative Assistant to the Director

Current Department: Division of Special Education and disAbility Research, College of Education and Human Development

Joined Mason in: 2019

I love working at Mason because of the diversity of voices all working in their own way towards a common goal of continually advancing the university. At Mason, the whole is definitely greater than the sum of the parts!

I joined the Staff Senate because I wanted to broaden my knowledge of the workings of the institution, to advocate for my colleagues throughout the university, and to collaborate with other senators and others across the campuses to work for the benefit of the whole of Mason.

Profile of a Senator: April Lopez (April 2023)