Mason Staff Senate

Meet Kathy Dodd: Staff Senator and Social Media Manager

Photo by: Creative Services/George Mason University

Role: My biggest responsibility is to manage the university-level high-profile social media channels (see list below). This translates into developing and overseeing the execution of the strategic marketing initiatives for those channels and collaborating with other campus units to strive to have a singular voice on our multiple social media outlets. The more fun way to say it – it’s like I’m the person behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz.

Ohio Girl: I was born and raised in Akron, Ohio – so that makes me a Cleveland sports fan. I’ve said the phrase, “There is always next year” more times than I can count! Pop is also soda. Sorry.

Best thing about working at Mason: I started at Mason in 2014 and I have to say that it’s the people, hands down. There are so many talented and hard-working people here in the Mason Nation that it brings me so much joy to come to work every day. I love that my job allows me to work with so many folks on campus, regardless of what they do in their daily job – from students to high-level administrators.

Why serve on Staff Senate: I come from a long line of service. My father was a union representative for United Rubber Workers during his time at Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, so I saw that employee advocacy was important at a very early age. When I got to Mason, I knew that I wanted to help be that voice for the employees. With the role that I have at Mason, I get a really good sense of what is going on at the ground level to bring topics to the Senate and advocate for the employees here.

At the end of the day: I always feel connected to the Mason Nation and I am very proud to work for such a fine institution of higher education. Sure, in my role I get calls late at night about something that may have happened on campus, or have to monitor a situation from home – but I love my job and there is nothing else that I would rather do. This place feels like family, especially since most of my family are so far away! I’m proud to be a Patriot!

Follow George Mason University! If you aren’t already – you should follow the Mason Nation on Social Media!








And use the hashtag #MasonNation to stand out in your posts!