Mason Staff Senate


Mason has a plethora of opportunities for staff to improve their work, work-life, and life. If you’ve ever asked yourself “How can I . . . ?”, here are your answers:

[accordions autoHeight=’false’ disabled=’false’ active=0 clearStyle=false collapsible=false fillSpace=false] [accordion title=”↓Be prepared in case of an emergency . . .”]

Mason Police
Mason Alert
Environmental Health and Safety

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Improve my professional skills . . .”]

Human Resources Training and Professional Development
IT Training
Office of Continuing Professional Education
Mason Links
Mason Footsteps
Toast Masters
International Association Administrative Professionals
Classified Staff Handbook
Employment Opportunities
[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Enroll in a class . . .”]

Faculty & Staff Book Scholarship
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Find something to do at lunch . . .”]

Recreation Centers
UHall Knitters
Mason Walk In Trails
HR Lunchtime Possibilities
[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Expand my horizons . . .”]

Center for Consciousness and Transformation
Vision Series Lectures
Monday Seminar Series at Krasnow
School of Physics, Astronomy, and Computational Sciences Observatory
The Edge
University Libraries
Fenwick Library Construction News
Global Professional Staff Exchange Program
A History of Mason
[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Improve my health . . .”]

Weight Watchers at Mason
Wellness Center
Recreation Centers
Mason Walk In Trails
Emotional Support on Campus

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Live Nearby . . .”]


[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Dine on campus . . .”]

The Mason Inn
Meal Plans for Staff
[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Get together with like-minded people . . .”]

Office of Sustainability
Center for Consciousness and Transformation
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, & Questioning Resources
Staff Senate
Working Moms Support Group
Working Dads Group
Association of Black Faculty, Administrators, and Staff (ABFAS)
Campus Ministry Association
Catholic Campus Ministry
Confucius Institute
Diversity @ Mason

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Get involved with student activities . . . .”]

Patriot Packout
History and Traditions Tour
Mason Links
Corner Pocket

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Resolve a problem . . .”]

Environmental Health and Safety
Employee Relations
IT Support

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Improve my workspace . . .”]

EHS Ergonomics Program
Surplus equipment
Mason Moves
Accessibility @ Mason

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Figure out my transportation and parking options . . .”]

Campus Maps
Shuttle Service
Construction updates
Biking to and on campus
Commuter Choice

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Get news on campus events . . .”]

Today @ Mason
Mason News

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Learn more about being a state employee . . .”]

State Government Relations
Virginia Governmental Employees Association
Office of Government & Community Relations
Commonwealth of Virginia

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Take some time off . . .”]

Leave Options
Holiday Schedule

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Save some money . . .”]

HR Discounts
Apple Educators Discount
State Employee Discounts
Mason Discount Mall

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓See a game, concert, performance or art exhibit . . .”]

Center for the Arts
Hylton Performing Arts Center
Patriot Center
School of Dance Performances
School of Music Performances
Fine Arts Galleries

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Tend to errands on campus . . .”]

UPS store
Campus Mail Services
Apple Federal Credit Union
DMV 2 Go
Print Services
George’s List
School of Art Print Services

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Plan for retirement . . .”]

Eldercare Information
Retirement Connection
Financial Planning Resources

[/accordion] [accordion title=”↓Know about childcare options and programs for children . . .”]

Summer Camps
Child Development Center
Home School and Youth Programs @ the Freedom Center
Potomac Arts Academy
Children and Minors in the Workplace

[/accordion] [/accordions]

Have a suggestion for a category or item within a category? Please email