Mason Staff Senate

Updates from Parking and Transportation

Mason Square Commuting Opportunity: Sustain and Save 

Mason Square (formerly the Arlington Campus) has partnered with Commute66 to help faculty and staff who currently pay tolls on I-66 take advantage of Sustain & Save. This program provides $100 per month to employees who switch their commute from driving and parking at Mason Square to using transit, carpooling, biking, or another sustainable option. Participating individuals must commute into the office at least eight days a month. For more information, visit the website.

Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 20 

Celebrate the Washington region’s Bike to Work Day! Start your day off cycling. Pit stops all over the VA, DC, MD area. For details and to register, visit   

Parking and Transportation End-of-Spring Semester Donation Drive for Patriot Pantry 

Would you like to help someone in need? Through Friday, May 20, make an in-person donation at any Parking Services office to benefit the Patriot Pantry and reduce the cost of an outstanding parking citation by $15, $20, or $30. For important details, including the donation/credit framework for donations, visit 

2022 Transportation Survey Extended 

The 2022 Transportation Survey has been extended through May 18.  Please take a few minutes to share how you get to, from, and around campus. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. After completing the survey, you can opt-in to a raffle for 10 prize packages valued at $40 each. Ten participants will be randomly selected from those who opt-in. 

As background to the survey, 30 percent of Mason’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are attributed to commuting. By participating in this survey you will help us understand and improve how Mason commutes and you will be providing key data to help in decision making. 

To participate in the survey, visit 


Summer 2022: Parking Permits on Sale and Mason Shuttles Summer Schedules Available 

Summer parking passes went on sale on Monday, May 2. Online sales only. Visit for details. Reach out to [email protected] with any questions. 

Mason Shuttles summer service begins on Monday, May 23. Service will be Monday–Friday only. Burke VRE will not be operating after May 20 until further notice. Schedules are posted at Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions.  

Please note: The spring 2022 schedules are in effect through Friday, May 20, except West Campus, which operates through Friday, May 13.  

There is Graduation Weekend Service for Sandy Creek/Metro on May 21–22 only from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (last departure from Vienna Metro at 9:30 p.m.).  No other weekend service operating. There is no shuttle service on Monday, May 30 in observance of Memorial Day.