Mason Staff Senate

Announcements from Information Technology Services

MASON-SECURE Retiring in December 2021 

At the end of the fall 2021 semester, eduroam, a worldwide wireless service developed for the international research and education community, will replace MASON-SECURE as the primary Mason Wi-Fi Network. To learn more about these improvements, see the ITS Spotlight. In anticipation of MASON-SECURE’s removal, Information Technology Services (ITS) encourages all campus Wi-Fi users to connect to eduroam. To get started, select eduroam from the available Wi-Fi networks and log in with your Mason email address ([email protected]) and Patriot Pass Password. For more information, visit If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the ITS Support Center at 703-993-8870 or [email protected] 

Cybersecurity Awareness Month & IT Security Awareness Training 

Information Technology Services (ITS) is observing Cybersecurity Awareness Month throughout October with speakers, daily tweets, and an Ask Me Anything Reddit thread. Full details about Cybersecurity Awareness Month events and activities are available at October also kicks off annual IT Security Awareness Training for Mason employees. Those required to complete this training received an email on Friday, October 1, with details and can access their assigned training at Training must be completed by Monday, November 15.