February 2023

RAMP: Conflict of Interest Module Implementation

As the next phase of the GMU Research Administration Management Portal (RAMP) system implementation, Mason is implementing a new electronic Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosure management module.

The onboarding phase of the COI implementation kicked off October 17, with a Go-Live anticipated in May 2023. The RAMP COI module will replace the homegrown COI disclosure system Mason has used since 2017, and it will have improved functionality and usability over the current system for all Mason faculty and staff. The new COI module will support financial interest and outside activity disclosures, as well as automated workflows for disclosure review and pre-approval requests. The new system will reduce redundant data input and delays due to the current manual processes, and it will thereby remove hindrances to compliance and foster a culture of transparency.

Future RAMP modules include Safety, IACUC, IRB, and Export Controls, with phased implementations continuing through October 2024. The RAMP Team will continue to share information regarding the RAMP project with the Mason community through the RAMP website and other forums. To view the full RAMP program timeline, click here.