Mason Staff Senate

Introducing the Mason Family Connection

New Student and Family Programs (NSFP) is excited to introduce the Mason Family Connection – the official platform for university communication and family engagement.  

Everything families need to make the most of their Mason family experience will be located in one centralized location within the Mason Family Connection. This platform allows them to customize the content they receive, set the frequency of how often they wish to receive updates, post comments on articles, view upcoming events/important dates/deadlines, select communities they want to be a part of, and make account changes at any time. Families who receive the Mason Family Flash weekly e-newsletter were automatically imported and received a welcome email with instructions to complete the Mason Family Connection registration process. To learn more about the platform, watch the instructional video.   

In addition to the new platform for Mason families, you will see the following NSFP social media changes: 

  1. The Facebook page, @MasonFamilyAssociation, will transition to become the NSFP departmental Facebook page, @MasonNSFP.  
  1. The Facebook page, @Orientation@Mason, will be deleted.  
  1. The Facebook group, George Mason Family Association, will be phased out. 

We are eager for families to engage in our community through the Mason Family Connection and know this platform will make it easier to communicate with them. Thank you for helping us support our Mason families as they support their students!