June 2015

Summer Dining on Campus

Southside dining at Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
Southside dining at the Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University

View a list of Mason Dining locations and hours for the summer.

You can save money this summer by dining at The Globe with a faculty/staff BYTE meal plan from now until August 1.

BYTE Plan Options:
50 Meals: $319.00 (43% discount)
25 Meals: $170.00 (40% discount)
10 Meals: $71.00 (36% discount)

Employees at the Arlington Campus and the Science and Technology Campus can receive 10% off purchases at their Mason Dining locations when using Mason Money. Consider loading funds on your Mason ID to save at Einstein Bros. Bagels (Arlington) or Randall’s (Science and Technology).

For more information or to sign up for a BYTE Plan, visit