This month we’re excited about the new Glass Recycling Pilot, and the appearance of no fewer than 23 new Bigbelly Zero Waste stations across Fairfax and Mason Square (Arlington) campuses!
Following the successful pilot of the zero waste station at Northern Neck Starbucks, Facilities recently installed the 23 new stations, five of which also include industrial composting bins for food scraps and certified compostable items, in addition to the standard recycling and trash disposal options.

You can find more information about the new Bigbelly stations, including their locations, on the Facilities News website.
For more ways to divert your waste from incineration and to redistribute and dispose of unwanted items sustainably and creatively, see the University Sustainability’s Zero Waste Mason webpage.
Could your office or workspace make a waste reduction ‘pledge’ in time for Earth Month in April? Join the Greener Mason Community on Teams and share your ideas!