March 2016

Message from the Chair

Nicole Roth, Staff Senate. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University
Nicole Roth, Staff Senate. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

If you’re like me, you are feeling the weight of those snow days. We had a few extra days off, but we have been busy ever since. Mason has become a hot spot for visits from presidential candidates. Traffic gets heavier, but the campus is invigorated. All of these things are generating a bit more chaos in our day to day lives. And yet, we’re still here!

What staff do for the university is important. The tasks we complete are part of a greater mission, and I am reminded of that mission when I walk through the Johnson Center. It is easy to stay holed up in our offices (particularly during the winter months), but if we don’t get out, we might miss the mission.

The students’ education and achievements are ours, as well. The sense of accomplishment we feel when our students walk across the stage at graduation is something to celebrate. We did it! Thousands of student success stories occur at Mason every year, and staff are a huge part of those stories.

Staff Senate will host its first-ever Spring Into Town Hall on Tuesday, March 8. Administrators from around the university will join me in a conversation with staff. We have put this event together based on the requests received in our survey last summer. Senators will be available to speak with you after the Town Hall at the Staff Appreciation Event.

I look forward to seeing you next week!

Nicole Roth
Chair, Staff Senate