Mason Staff Senate

Announcements from Faculty and Staff Engagement

Apply for the Faculty and Staff Book Scholarship

Mason faculty and staff are invited to apply for the Faculty and Staff Book Scholarship, a $250 scholarship, dedicated to paying for books, software, and supplies needed for Mason courses. 

The criteria to apply are as follows: 

  • Enrolled in a degree or graduate certificate program at Mason; 
  • Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0; 
  • Have at least one year of service at Mason; and 
  • Earned an overall rating of Successful or Outstanding in their most recent performance evaluation. 

To apply, complete the nomination form by May 24, 2024. Please include a written statement (max. 500 words) outlining your educational and professional goals, your program of study, and how the scholarship will positively impact your academic pursuits. The statement should also address how you uphold the Mason graduate values of being an engaged citizen, a well-rounded scholar, and one who is prepared to act. 

Email [email protected] with questions. 

Mason Degree and Certificate Milestones: Let’s Celebrate Your Success!
Mason Classified Staff, A/P Faculty, I/R Faculty, Adjunct Faculty, and Non-Student Wage employees are invited to share information on the degree/certificate (Trade certification/license, Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Graduate certificate, Doctorate, etc.) that they have earned during this current academic year.

Human Resources is eager to highlight achievements and success stories of Mason faculty and staff who are seeking continual professional development.   

Complete the Celebrate Degree/Certificate Milestones Survey and the HR Faculty and Staff Engagement team will follow-up with you on your successes! 

Standard Telework Form: Documentation Updates for Classified Staff

Classified Staff are required to follow the Department of Human Resources Policy 1.61 (Teleworking).

In accordance with DHRM Policy 1.61, “all (classified) employees applying for telework must submit a Standard Telework Agreement.” 

The state has recently made an online platform, for telework agreement submission, available to higher education institutions. As per state guidelines, George Mason classified staff requesting a new telework agreement or a renewal with changes must use the COVApp form.   

The Standard Telework Request and Renewal form in Dynamic Forms will be used to initiate all telework requests. Renewals with the same number of telework days previously approved by the state or temporary requests (14 calendar days or less) will continue with all workflow processes in dynamic forms.   

New telework requests or renewals with a change in number of telework days will begin initiation in the Standard Telework Request and Renewal form.  The Faculty and Staff Engagement team will initiate the official form using the COV App system.

Following form initiation for new telework requests or renewals with changes, employees will receive an email from COVApps (VITA) The email has been vetted, is legitimate, and will ask you “to click here” to complete your form request. 

The telework form is available in the state’s COV Application system, which uses the same login information as Cardinal.

Classified employees and their supervisors must have Cardinal access to complete and approve forms. To access Cardinal login or locate your Cardinal ID in Patriot Web, use the directions here to do so. Once a login is established, follow the state’s guide detailing how to complete your form as an employee. Supervisors should follow the state’s guide on how to process forms as a manager.