February 2016

February Staff Senate Newsletter

The February 2016 Staff Senate Newsletter is now available!

Homecoming fireworks. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University
Homecoming fireworks. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University


February 2016

Message from the Chair

Nicole Roth, Staff Senate. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University
Nicole Roth, Staff Senate. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

What a start to the spring 2016 semester! I hope that you have been able to catch up from all that snow and your schedule is starting to calm down. I am sure that we will feel the effects throughout the next several months as we adapt to changing deadlines and extended class days.

You may notice that we have changed things up with the Staff Appreciation Events we typically host in February. This semester, we are trying something new. In response to your requests, the Staff Senate is organizing a town hall event for staff. We plan on hosting a series of speakers who will discuss the opportunities for staff at the university. You will learn about growth opportunities and have a chance to engage with our speakers. Be on the lookout for more information in early March.

I hope that you have a wonderful February, and we will see you soon!

Nicole Roth
Chair, Staff Senate

February 2016

Homecoming 2016

Homecoming-Web-Image-MAINPatriots Brave and Bold! Mason celebrates Homecoming February 8-13, 2016. Homecoming is a time for all to come together and show their Patriot Pride. Once a Patriot, always a Patriot. Click here for information about Alumni Association events or to register.

Check out the Office Decorating Contest. Entries are due Friday, February 5.

Mason’s Men’s Basketball team plays Davidson on Saturday, February 13, at 4 p.m. at the EagleBank Arena. Let’s show that Patriot Pride! Remember to use #MasonHC in all of your social media posts.

February 2016

Reminder: Staff Senate Nights at Mason Basketball

mbbflyerIn response to a recent You Ask, We Answer, the Staff Senate worked with Mason Athletics to offer a discount exclusively for Staff and Non-Student Wage for two upcoming Men’s Basketball games in February! Choose from the following games:

Saturday, February 6, at 6 p.m.
Mason vs. Dayton


Wednesday, February 24, at 7 p.m.
Mason vs. Virginia Commonwealth University

Admission:  Tickets are discounted to $13 plus a $1.50 handling fee per ticket.
Enter Special Offer Code: SENATE
You will then be asked to log in or create an account.
Offer expires at 11:59 p.m. the day before each game (2/5 and 2/23)

Click HERE to purchase tickets!

February 2016

Lower Prices at Southside, Ike’s, and The Globe

Southside dining at Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
Southside dining at Fairfax Campus. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

Mason Dining has lowered the door price at Southside, Ike’s, and The Globe:

  • Breakfast (until 11 a.m.): $9
  • Lunch (11 a.m. to 5 p.m.): $10
  • Dinner (5 p.m. to 10 p.m.): $11

Consider saving even more with a faculty/staff Byte meal plan, usable at Southside, Ike’s, The Globe, and Pilot House:

  • 10 meals for $71
  • 25 meals for $170
  • 50 meals for $319

For questions, contact Caitlin Lundquist at or 703-732-6222.

February 2016

From Our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

ASW2016-moduleNational Wear Red Day is Friday, February 5
Plan to wear red on National Wear Red Day in support of the American Heart Association’s quest to raise awareness about heart disease and stroke. Snap a quick photo to commemorate the event and post it to the Wellness by Mason Facebook page, tweet about it to @Working at Mason (#GoRed) or post it to the Working@Mason Pinterest page.

Nominations for Employee of the Month
Recognizing Mason superstars is an important job, and everyone can participate. If you work with an incredible Mason administrative/professional faculty member, classified staff member, or wage employee who goes the extra mile, collaborates successfully, and supports our students and colleagues, nominate them for Mason’s Employee of the Month award. Additional information can be found at Reward and Recognition at 703-993-2739 or with any questions.

Leadership Legacy Program – Nominations Now Accepted!
The Leadership Legacy Program, a partnership program sponsored by MasonLeads and the Office of Human Resources and Payroll, is designed for Mason full-time faculty and staff who are committed to furthering their leadership development. The program curriculum provides opportunities for experienced faculty and staff to advance their conceptual and experiential understanding of leadership in the context of university settings. Applications and nominations for the 2016-17 cohort of the program are due February 12. To learn more and to apply, visit the Leadership Legacy website at

February Financial Well-Being Classes
Keep those New Year’s resolutions about financial planning alive! TIAA-CREF and Fidelity Investments will hold two financial education sessions on campus in February. Visit the financial well-being portal for details and to register. Both sessions will be video-conferenced to other campus locations:

Thursday, February 11
12 p.m. at Fairfax (video-conferenced to Arlington and SciTech)
Money at Work 2: Sharpening Investment Skills with Marilyn Huang of TIAA-CREF

Wednesday, February 24 (America Saves Week)
12 p.m. at SciTech (video-conferenced to Arlington and Fairfax)
Designing Your Financial Road Map with Jeff Jones of Fidelity Investments

America Saves Week is Coming: February 22-27
America Saves Week (ASW) is a fantastic opportunity for faculty and staff to sample some of the terrific financial education available through Mason. There is an on-site opportunity that week in Arlington, Fairfax, and SciTech, but the real action is online. TIAA-CREF and Fidelity Investments are offering over 20 webinars on a range of financial topics during ASW (you do NOT have to be a member of either TIAA-CREF or Fidelity to participate). America Saves Week’s planners are also offering a chance to win $500 in their #imsavingfor contest. Head to Mason’s financial well-being portal and scroll to Special Programs for details. 

Additionally, take advantage of on-site individual retirement counseling as well. TIAA-CREF, Fidelity, and ICMA-RC are on campus regularly. For the schedule, visit the portal or find the information directly on Human Resources and Payroll’s individual counseling page

Contact Life/Work Connections at with any questions. 

Employee Appreciation Day
Employee Appreciation Day falls each year on the first Friday in March. In 2016, it will be held on Friday, March 4. While you are encouraged to appreciate your colleagues throughout the year, this day is a special reminder of the importance of taking the time to say thanks. It is a fantastic opportunity to connect with your colleagues and let them know how much you appreciate them. Human Resources and Payroll has gathered some resources on Pinterest and on their website to help you plan your own Employee Appreciation Day efforts.

Save the Date: Spring Telework Week at Mason, March 7-11
Have you ever contemplated teleworking? Now is the time to try it out! From March 7-11, Mason will celebrate its own Telework Week during the university’s Spring Break. An abbreviated, one-page agreement will be available soon at

Please note that those who participate in Telework Week are doing so under the Flexible Work Policy, #2202. Signing the abbreviated agreement binds the employee/supervisor to the terms and conditions of the complete telework agreement.

February 2016

January Employee of the Month: Jennifer Sturgis

Jennifer Sturgis, Assistant Director, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, is Employee of the Month for January, 2016. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University
Jennifer Sturgis, Assistant Director, Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, is Employee of the Month for January 2016. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University

Heartfelt congratulations to Jennifer Sturgis, Assistant Director of Academic Planning and Research Operations for the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study, for being selected as the January 2016 Employee of the Month award winner. Read more about Jennifer in this Mason News article.

Do you know a superstar? Make sure he or she receives the deserved recognition, and submit a nomination for Mason’s Employee of the Month. Additional information can be found on the Human Resources and Payroll awards page.

Contact Reward and Recognition at with questions.

February 2016

George Mason Toastmasters Club Open House

The Mason community attends the Staff Appreciation Day sponsored by the Staff Senate. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University
Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services/George Mason University

The George Mason University Toastmasters Club was officially chartered by Toastmasters International on June 1, 2008. Currently, about 25 faculty and staff members meet for an hour once each week to learn and practice communication and leadership skills. Toastmasters is for everyone. Whether your public speaking skills are at the beginner’s stage or you consider yourself a seasoned professional, you can gain experience as a member. Join us Wednesday, February 17, at 12 p.m. in The Hub, Rooms 1 and 2 for an open house, and experience a Toastmaster meeting in action. Visit our website for more information:

Contact Heather Aleknavage at or 703-993-2295 with questions.

February 2016

Fall 2016 UNIV 100 Faculty Interest Meetings

The Center for Academic Advising, Retention, and Transitions (CAART) is currently accepting applications for Fall 2016 UNIV 100s Faculty. If interested in applying for a UNIV 100 position, you can find information at the following website:

CAART will host three Faculty Information Sessions to learn more about UNIV 100 courses and the faculty position. Feel free to drop by, no preregistration required:

  • Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 12 p.m. in SUB I, Room 3600
  • Tuesday, Feb. 9 at 9:30 a.m. in SUB I, Room 3A
  • Monday, Feb. 15 at 4:30 p.m. in SUB I, Room 3600

For additional information, contact Robert Townsend at 703-993-4998 or

February 2016

Registration for Spring Break Camps Now Open for the Mason Community

Students work on a project in a Potomac Arts Academy class at the Art and Design building. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
Students work on a project in a Potomac Arts Academy class at the Art and Design building. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

The Potomac Arts Academy and Human Resources and Payroll have teamed up to offer a pilot program of three exciting and interactive camp opportunities for Mason families during spring break. The camps will be in session from March 21-25. Choose from Game Design, Magical Camp, and Theater Camp. For details and registration information, visit

Contact Tina Morris with questions at 703-993-5807 or