Mason Staff Senate

Message from the Chair

Erin Iacangelo Rogers, chair, Staff Senate. Photo by Creative Services / George Mason University

The Staff Senate, in partnership with the Faculty Senate and Chairs and Directors group, rallied to address Governor Youngkin’s telework policy for state employees. We connected and collaborated with many of you during a special session on May 18 to ask questions, voice concerns, and solicit guidance from our colleagues and university leadership on how we can effectively navigate the first step of the policy: the telework form.  

This is only the beginning. As we heard from Mark Smith, executive director of Mason’s State Government Relations, when he presented to the Staff Senate on June 1, Mason submitted several hundred telework requests to Richmond. As we await determinations on those requests, both senates and the Chairs and Directors group are staying actively engaged so we can be ready to tackle any next steps. We will keep you posted.  

As always, the Staff Senate values your suggestions and feedback. Please reach out with questions or concerns through our online contact form. 

Erin Iacangelo Rogers
Chair, Staff Senate

Mason Faculty/Staff Reward and Recognition


George Mason University values a culture of recognition! The Human Resources and Payroll Reward and Recognition program creates and implements recognition opportunities that are fun, meaningful and linked to the values and mission of Mason.

The Rewards and Recognition program’s purpose is to recognize individuals and teams for contributions to their department, school or the university as a whole. Mason faculty and staff are encouraged to use the recognition tools and resources available to them to foster an environment of shared success and commitment. The program provides various opportunities to acknowledge others’ contributions from gift cards and non-monetary awards to events that celebrate the achievements of Mason’s faculty and staff.

More information is available on the Human Resources and Payroll website.

CommonHealth 35th Anniversary Wellness Challenge

Mason’s Employee Engagement Team is excited to partner with CommonHealth on their 35-Day Wellness Challenge as part of their 35th Anniversary Celebration. Register today and select your personal wellness goal for the 35-day challenge period, receive weekly tips and motivation, and post pictures on social media using #MasonEngage for a chance to win a $25 gift card and/or Mason flair.

The challenge runs from June 6 to July 10. Register today!

When you sign up, CommonHealth will email you a welcome packet with a log sheet and a few basic instructions to get started. You will get an encouraging email each week to help keep you on track. You will also be entered into a drawing to win one of five CommonHealth prize packs if you complete your goals. This challenge is all about you and your personal goals, so you decide if you were successful!

For more information, visit HR’s CommonHealth page or email the Employee Engagement Team at [email protected].

June General Meeting Recording


The June Staff Senate meeting featured Mark Smith, executive director, State Government Relations, who discussed legislative priorities and provided an update from Richmond.

If you missed the session, you can watch or listen to the recording.

Updates from Parking and Transportation

George Mason Shuttle. Photo by: Ron Aira/Creative Services/George Mason University
No Mason Shuttles Service on Juneteenth (Observed) and July 4

There will be no Mason Shuttle service on Monday, June 20, in observance of Juneteenth and on Monday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.  Contact [email protected] or 703-993-2828 with questions.

Vanpool Formation: Loudoun County to Fairfax Campus

Are you a full-time faculty/staff member who lives in Loudoun County and works on the Fairfax Campus? Would you like to have your commuting costs reimbursed up to $280/month tax-free, not have to do all the driving, park free at Mason, and reduce carbon emissions?

If so, consider vanpooling.  Parking and Transportation has developed a short vanpool match survey.

More detailed information about vanpooling at Mason is available on the Parking and Transportation website. If you have any questions about vanpooling—whether you live in Loudoun County or not—reach out to [email protected].

Metro Orange Line Platform Work

Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority’s (WMATA) Platform Improvement project continues on the Orange Line with five stations closed from May 28 to September 5, 2022: New Carrollton, Landover, Cheverly, Deanwood, and Minnesota Ave.

Free shuttle bus service will be available at the closed stations. Detailed service information is available on the WMATA website, and riders are encouraged to sign up for project updates.