Mason’s Employee Engagement Team is excited to partner with CommonHealth on their 35-Day Wellness Challenge as part of their 35th Anniversary Celebration. Register today and select your personal wellness goal for the 35-day challenge period, receive weekly tips and motivation, and post pictures on social media using #MasonEngage for a chance to win a $25 gift card and/or Mason flair.
The challenge runs from June 6 to July 10. Register today!
When you sign up, CommonHealth will email you a welcome packet with a log sheet and a few basic instructions to get started. You will get an encouraging email each week to help keep you on track. You will also be entered into a drawing to win one of five CommonHealth prize packs if you complete your goals. This challenge is all about you and your personal goals, so you decide if you were successful!
For more information, visit HR’s CommonHealth page or email the Employee Engagement Team at [email protected].