March 2015

Community Garden Opportunity for Staff Members/Organizations

GMU Organic Gardening Association students volunteer to manage and harvest healthy vegetables to donate and ditribute with local food banks and the campus community. Photo by Evan Cantwell/George Mason University
Students of Mason’s Organic Gardening Association volunteer to manage and harvest healthy vegetables to donate and distribute to local food banks and the campus community. Photo by Evan Cantwell/George Mason University

It’s not too late to apply to rent a community garden plot at Mason. Grow your own food, bond with your staff, learn useful new skills, and enjoy nutritious, sustainably-grown foods.

The raised bed plots are four feet by eight feet in size, six inches tall, and located in the Potomac Heights Garden. The use of one plot costs $10 per month. The season runs from March 1 to November 1. Funds benefit the George Mason University Garden Association.

Complete the application online. For questions, contact or