October 2020

Constituent Time from October Meeting

During the October Staff Senate Meeting, constituents shared questions and comments for the senate in the Zoom chat. Time did not allow us to address each question individually during the meeting. Follow-up information is provided below.

Questions/comments received in the chat:

Q:  During the summer, it was mentioned that Mason’s budget was being impacted/reduced based on the BOV July meeting; Senior Vice President Carol Kissal also mentioned it might be further reduced by a revised state budget meeting in August. I haven’t heard anything other than the July Mason results; is there any update?

Q:  I feel like I’m the only one on campus who wasn’t aware that there is discussion on changing the spring academic calendar, and I do the scheduling for my department. Does anyone know where I can find this information?

  • A:  The Faculty Senate is currently reviewing proposed changes to the spring 2021 academic calendar. Information regarding the proposed changes is available on the Faculty Senate website. The calendar is a topic for discussion at the Faculty Senate meeting on Oct. 14. Once the spring academic calendar is approved, an announcement will be made to the university community.