For the biggest discount on meals for faculty and staff , sign up for a Byte Plan which is good for meals at five dining halls: Southside, The Bistro, Ike’s, The Globe, and Pilot House.
- 10 meals/semester for $71
- 25 meals/semester for $170
- 50 meals/semester for $319
The Bistro, a faculty and staff favorite, is open for lunch on weekdays from 11 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. The Bistro door price is $7.50 for faculty and staff.
Southside, Ike’s, and the Globe will cost $10.50 for breakfast and $11.25 for lunch and dinner, tax included. There will be no faculty/staff discount at Southside on Fridays.
Get a Byte Plan today at the Card Office in SUB I, Lower Level. For questions, contact Mason Dining at 703-993-3407.