Mason Staff Senate

From Our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

Do You Have Your Financial Fitness Wrapped Up?
Join Human Resources and Payroll, our financial partners, and others with related expertise as we explore many different aspects of financial well-being including saving, investing, budgeting, retirement, individual planning, and more. Visit Financial Well-Being resources to register for on-site and videoconferenced classes. There are also online webinars and classes to watch at your convenience as well as tools and calculators to help you plan ahead.

Walking Wednesdays: Exercise Your Leadership
You are invited to become a Mason leader by signing up to take the helm of a 30-minute campus walk in Arlington, Fairfax, or Prince William. Even if the weather isn’t terrific outdoors, there are one-mile walks marked out in many buildings across Mason. Just visit Mason Walk In’ for details.

Walking Wednesdays is a terrific way to take a break, interact with colleagues, and get some exercise. For details and to sign up, visit, scroll to Walking Wednesdays, and select the campus of your choice.

Contact Janet Walker at [email protected] or 703-993-2604 with questions.

Spring Telework Week at Mason: March 9-13
If you have ever contemplated teleworking or wondered how your office may benefit from it, now is the time to try it out! From March 9-13, Mason will celebrate its very own Telework Week, and an abbreviated telework agreement is available just for this special week. Questions about telework? Check out the FAQs at

Employees who participate in Telework Week are doing so under the terms of the Flexible Work Policy, #2202. Signing the abbreviated Telework Week agreement binds the employee/supervisor to the terms and conditions of the complete telework agreement.

Contact [email protected] or check out for more information.

DMV2Go on Campus
DMV2Go is coming to the Fairfax Campus on March 30. For a complete list of dates at all campuses, visit Mason’s DMV2Go schedule.

Summer Camp Resources
Summer will be here before we know it. If you have young ones, summer camp can be a great option. We have put together a summer camp resource list to help you get started.