July 2022

Meal Plans for Faculty and Staff

Faculty and staff can purchase meal plans, too! Faculty and staff Byte Plans are available with the following options for the fall semester:  

  • 50 Meal Swipes: $395 ($7.90 per meal)  
  • 25 Meal Swipes: $215 ($8.60 per meal)  
  • 10 Meal Swipes: $95 ($9.50 per meal)  

Door prices (without meal plan):   

  • Breakfast: $9.50  
  • Lunch: $11  
  • Dinner: $12  

Swipes can be used at Southside, The Globe, and Ike’s. Byte Plans can be purchased in person in the Mason Card Office located in SUB I, Room 1203 (bring your Mason ID) or online. Visit the Mason Dining website for more information.