January 2017

Message from the Chair

Megan Kirk, Staff Senate. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

Happy New Year, and welcome back from winter break! I hope everyone had the opportunity to enjoy time with loved ones and relax a little bit. I don’t know about you, but I thoroughly enjoyed bragging about the length of our holiday break to friends and family as they complained about having to go back to work!

The Staff Senate is undergoing some changes. Nicole Roth is leaving Mason to move on to new opportunities and will step down from her position as Chair of Staff Senate. Nicole attended Mason as an undergrad, worked here as a student, and has been classified staff since June 2008. Now our baby bird is flying away! Nicole’s contributions to Mason and the Staff Senate will be greatly missed. Nicole brought a positive attitude, wise judgement, and a passion for staff, faculty, and students to the Staff Senate and to her position as Graduate Coordinator for the History and Art History Department.

As Interim Chair, I will bring my love for my dog, Judge Judy, and 90’s R&B to the Staff Senate. More importantly, I will also do my best to represent the interests of George Mason staff and ensure their voices are represented through shared governance. I look forward to my new role as chair and hope that everyone marks their calendars for the Staff Appreciation Events planned for February!

Megan Kirk
Interim Chair, Staff Senate