This fall has been crazy-busy for everyone, in many good ways. Mason is changing, very much like the leaves on the trees: right before our eyes. In a short-period of time, you’ll be able to tell others that you were a part this transition, a participant in the transformation process. Even if you don’t know what that is just yet. You will soon enough.
Now that annual reviews are over, take time to remember and celebrate the successes you’ve accomplished throughout 2018. If you’re looking for that inner-drive, some pepping up, a renewal of purpose, or continual motivation, please come to Dewberry Hall for the Outstanding Achievement Awards on Thursday, November 15, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. You will have an opportunity to hear some of our best inspirational speakers, such as Dr. Ángel Cabrera, Dr. David Wu, Shernita Rochelle Parker, and many others. We are going to praise others for their outstanding achievements over the past year. This is a lot like the lottery; you must play to win. Today is their special day of recognition; tomorrow can be yours. Come out and support those who have been acclaimed for their actions as Mason Patriots and learn how they did it. You could be next!
Rose Pascarell, vice president for University Life, presented at our November 7 general meeting. In the 20 minutes of conversation and 10 minutes of questions and answers, it was incredible to hear how much Rose is personally responsible for at Mason. We will like to host Rose again soon, in a more town hall-style setting. Please stay tuned.
A few Staff Senators attended the ADVANCE Launch on Monday, October 29, in the Center for the Arts. We were in good company with Governor Ralph Northam, Sharon Bulova, Atif Qarni, and many others. I would like to send a special thanks to Michelle Marks, vice president for Academic Innovation and New Ventures, for making this event happen. Thank you to Staff Senate Vice Chair Jenna McGwin and Senator Stacy Wilson for attending this event with me.
On October 31, the Staff Senate hosted the Virginia Governmental Employees Association (VGEA) in Research Hall. We learned about the changes that have occurred within VGEA in the past few months, and we look forward to learning about how the Staff Senate can engage more with VGEA and our state legislators.
I want to recognize the efforts of one of our Staff Senators for spearheading the challenges of our website, social media, and newsletter causes. We are looking internally at possible changes to reach more staff and update our image. Lauren Reuscher has done so much in the past few months that I would feel bad if I didn’t say “Thank you, Lauren!”
In an effort of November “thanks and praise,” I will be meeting up for lunch with a few of your Staff Senators soon. If you know Senators Christina DiCicco, Lauren Reyna, Sean Cox, or Liam Dillon, and you have issues, comments, questions, or anything else you’d like to pass along, please get in touch with them over the next two weeks. I’m meeting with these four individuals from late November to mid-December to get to know them better, find out what they will like to do on the Staff Senate over the next semester, and help them accomplish their personal goals.
Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving with family and friends. Safe travels to all!
Thank you!
Very Respectfully,
Christopher J. Maier
Chair, Staff Senate
George Mason University