May 2021

Message from the Chair: May 2021

This week, Mason is celebrating its graduates both in-person and virtually. As we honor their accomplishments, remember that your work as a staff member is also reflected in our students’ success!  

This year was unlike any other. Mason staff have gone above and beyond to work under challenging circumstances, keep our campuses safe, and help our students succeed. You did it, and I hope you take a moment to reflect on everything you have accomplished this year. 

In June, the Staff Senate will start accepting nominations for the annual senator election in July. Last year, we had more nominees than any year in recent memory. This was remarkable, considering the challenges of 2020. I hope you will consider nominating yourself or a colleague. It’s a great way to get involved at the university and contribute to a positive work-life experience at Mason. 

Lauren Clark Reuscher
Chair, Staff Senate