December 2021

Next Gen eVA! and Taxation of Reimbursements 

Next Gen eVA! Transition News and Fiscal Services Forums

Virginia’s electronic procurement system, eVA, is undergoing a complete system change that will go live in early January 2022. Updates may be found on the Fiscal Services website.

Fiscal Services will host forums to discuss these changes. eVA Transition Forums will take place on the following days: 

  • Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022, from 11 a.m. to noon 
  • Thursday, Feb. 3, 2022, from 2 to 3 p.m. 

Registration and session information is available on the Fiscal Services calendar. Only registered participants will be sent the virtual meeting information. 

Taxability of Reimbursements

All employee travel and non-travel reimbursement requests and supporting documentation must be submitted through the Mason Finance Gateway within 60 days after the return of business-related travel or the event date (non-travel). Reimbursements submitted after 60 days are considered taxable income and subject to taxation per the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Beginning January 2022, Mason will implement changes to the process for travel and non-travel taxable reimbursements. The process changes are outlined below:

Employees will receive the fully-approved reimbursement amount processed through the Mason Finance Gateway. For example, if the employee submitted $100 for a taxable, non-travel reimbursement, the employee will receive $100. However, $100 is considered taxable income to the employee.
Taxable travel and non-travel reimbursements will be processed by the Payroll Office at the end of each quarter (March, June, September, and December). The full reimbursement, as mentioned in the example above, will be reported as income and added to the employee’s W2 in the quarter received to withhold the applicable taxes from the employee’s paycheck.
Questions related to tax deductions, timing, and the financial impact may be addressed to the Payroll Office at Questions related to travel and non-travel documentation, approvals, and submission dates may be addressed with the Travel Office at