Mason Staff Senate

November Staff Senate Meeting: Rector Tom Davis

Thomas M. Davis, Rector, George Mason University

RESCHEDULED: Due to a scheduling conflict, the visit of Rector Tom Davis will be rescheduled. Please look for an announcement in the spring. The General Staff Senate Meeting for November will now begin 10:30 a.m. and end at noon.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019
10:30 a.m. to noon
Fairfax: Merten Hall, Room 1201
Arlington: Van Metre Hall, Room B119 (videoconferenced)
SciTech: Colgan Hall, Room 221 (videoconferenced)
WebEx: / Meeting Number (access code): 648 314 965  / Meeting password: 2ktMam99 or join by phone: 1-240-454-0879

The Staff Senate represents all classified and non-student wage employees at George Mason University. Working closely with university administration, we address concerns that have an impact on the quality of work-life for the Mason community. The work of the Senate is accomplished through open and continuous communication with its constituents.

All are welcome to attend the Staff Senate general meeting.

For questions, contact