Mason Staff Senate

Pop-Up Pantry Needs

Graduate students Yara Mowafy (on right) and Michael Galvin start a food pantry for needy students on campus in Sub I. Photo by Evan Cantwell/George Mason University
Photo by Evan Cantwell/George Mason University

Mason’s Pop-Up Pantry will be operating over the summer and is running low on some of the most wanted items.

If you are able to contribute, it is most appreciated. Should you need help dropping off items, email [email protected]Here are some of the items that are needed:

  • Fruit cups
  • Crackers (peanut butter, cheese, etc.)
  • Granola bars
  • Chips (Cheez-Its, trail mix, etc.)
  • Rice (pre-made, microwaveable, etc.)
  • Ravioli (microwaveable)
  • Cereal (in individual cups or in the box)
  • Razors and shaving cream
  • Bottled drinks/drink mixes
  • First-aid equipment
  • Notebooks, binders, and folders
  • Reusable water bottles
  • Mouthwash, toothpaste, and toothbrushes

All donations require drop-off coordination with the Pop-Up Pantry. The Pantry is open by appointment only.  Email [email protected] to arrange your donation.