I first came to Mason as an undergraduate student. Going into college, I was interested in politics and international relations, and therefore was looking into the D.C. area. When I toured Mason, it just felt like home. I had several on-campus jobs as a student, including venue assistant, event technician, and photographer.
Before returning to Mason as a full-time staff member in 2014, I worked political campaigns around Virginia as a field organizer. My work locations included Appalachia, the Eastern Shore, and Northern Virginia.
I’m about to graduate from Mason again this spring—this time with a Master’s in Public Administration.
I joined Staff Senate because I wanted to make an impact on the campus community and felt I could share insights as an alumni. The best part about being on Staff Senate is getting the inside scoop on what’s happening around Mason and having a forum to communicate staff concerns.
Fun fact about me: I was my school’s jump rope champion in the fifth grade. Was I very good? No. The goal was to do as many jumps as you could, without stopping, in five minutes. Everybody went about it like the Hare, jumping very fast—and failed quickly. I was the Tortoise, slow and steady, and got 110 jumps.
My outside interests include sustainability, comedy, and travel.
Joshua Griset works as the Arlington information desk supervisor with University Information.