August 2022

September Staff Senate Meeting Announcement

The September Staff Senate meeting will feature Andrew Lane, director of Performance Management & Employee Engagement, joined by members of his team, including Tamira Colbert, faculty/staff engagement assistant, and Stacey Ellis, faculty/staff engagement consultant, to discuss goals and initiatives following the results of the recent Gallup survey of Mason employees.

Wednesday, September 7
10 a.m. to noon
10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Staff Senate General Business Meeting
11 a.m. to noon, Guest Speaker
Hosted on Zoom
Passcode: SS123
Call in: 301-715-8592 or 267-831-0333
Webinar ID: 975 1903 7430/ Passcode: 078091

The Staff Senate represents all classified and non-student wage employees at George Mason University. Working closely with university administration, we address concerns that have an impact on the quality of work-life for the Mason community. The work of the senate is accomplished through open and continuous communication with its constituents. Find more ways to engage with the senate before, during, and after our general meetings.