April 2016

Spring into Well-Being: April 6-13

SpringIntoWellBeingThe daffodils are blooming, so it must be time for Spring into Well-Being! This year it runs from Wednesday, April 6, through Wednesday, April 13. The theme is “Six Days/Six Domains of Well-Being.” Events and opportunities will lead up to April 6, and a host of exciting opportunities will occur throughout this annual celebration and awareness campaign. 

For a schedule of events, visit the Well-Being University website or click here. Human Resources/Payroll is delighted to participate in this event, and we hope you will extend an invitation to all your faculty, staff, students, and alumni.

Well-Being means something different to each of us. Spring into Well-Being is designed to highlight some of the well-being programs, activities, and resources available to the Mason community that help build individual and collective capacities for increased vitality, purpose, resilience and engagement. Well-being is for everyone!  It is a way to put some tools in your toolbox and help build your capacity to manage life’s ups and downs, both at home and at work.

You are cordially invited to sample what the Mason community has to offer you. And the menu is astonishing; here’s a sample:

Financial Well-Being Seminar: Building a Better BudgetThursday, April 7, 12p.m. to 1 p.m.
Join Human Resources/Payroll for the Financial Well-Being Seminar Series at Building a Better Budget with Sarah Lieu of Apple Federal Credit Union.  A budget is the most powerful tool available for establishing financial control. After identifying short, mid-, and long-term goals, participants will learn how to design realistic spending plans to live within their means and savings plans to reach their goals. The session will address different options available for getting and staying out of debt. This session will be videoconferenced to Arlington and SciTech. Register online.

Resilience Workshop, Friday, April 8, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Join the Center for the Advancement of Well-Being for a free half-day Resilience Workshop. Learn three different approaches for dealing with adversity and conflict in your life. Learn how to go beyond just “stress management,” and begin to cultivate a kind of inner development from which resilience is a natural by-product. RSVP is required

Financial Well-Being Seminar: Your Next Great Adventure – Living Well in RetirementWednesday, April 13, 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
With Marilyn Brennan of TIAA. You have spent many years planning financially for your retirement. The possibilities for your next great adventures are endless and fun to imagine. Marilyn will help you:

  • Envision your ideal retirement
  • Take an honest look at what you will miss about working, and plan how you will supplant those things in retirement
  • Discover the rich possibilities inherent in retirement
  • Help remove any barriers to the retirement you want
  • Learn about how you can pay yourself once you stop working

This session will be videoconferenced to Arlington and SciTech. Register online

There are also some wonderful ways to give back on Community Well-Being Day (Monday, April 11), including:

  • Good Deeds Day
  • WAVES Cigarette Butt Clean UpWAVES is leading a cigarette butt clean-up on campus and will provide quit kits to anyone who wants one. Cigarette butts are not bio-degradable and can take an average of 25 years to break down. All the while, they leave toxic chemicals like cadmium, arsenic, and pesticide residues in the soil and waterways. The clean up runs from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on April 11. Meet at Southside. Contact Kathryn Walker at 703-993-3170 or with questions. To sign up as a volunteer, click here.