Mason Staff Senate

University Fire Safety Resources

George Mason University is required to observe applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations. One of OSHA’s requirements is to educate employees on building evacuation procedures and fire prevention. With this in mind, we encourage you to become familiar with the university’s building evacuation procedures and fire safety resources.

Evacuation Procedures: The following procedures must be observed when a fire alarm is activated or you are notified to evacuate a building by Mason Alert or emergency response personnel.

  • If you become aware of a dangerous situation that requires evacuation, activate the fire alarm by using a manual pull station located next to a building exit door.
  • Notify University Police by dialing 911 from a university landline phone or (703) 993-2810 from any phone and report the situation and associated details if known.
  • Do not use elevators during a fire or evacuation.
  • Assist individuals with special needs and those unfamiliar with evacuation procedures.
  • Exit the building by way of the nearest safe exit.  Please note that the safest exit may be different than the one you use on a daily basis.
  • Assemble outside of the building (at pre-designated assembly area identified by your office/unit), take account of your colleagues, and await further instruction from emergency response personnel.
  • Report missing persons to emergency response personnel.
  • Do not re-enter the building until authorized to do so by University Police or emergency response personnel.

Evacuation and Fire Safety Plans: Evacuation Plans are posted throughout all university buildings that identify primary and alternate evacuation routes, fire extinguisher locations, pull station locations, and the location of AED if one is available. Evacuation Plans also indicate recommended designated assembly areas; however, each office is encouraged to identify their own designated assembly area and record it in the Emergency Procedures Guide (flip book) provided by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). If your office/unit requires Emergency Procedures Guides, please contact EHS.

Specific instructions on how to evacuate a building is documented in the university’s Emergency Evacuation Guide. The university also maintains a Fire Safety Plan that is available to faculty and staff at which outlines the strategies and procedures used to protect buildings and work areas from fires.  

Thank you for taking the time to educate yourself on the university’s fire safety procedures. If you have any questions or concerns about Mason’s emergency and fire safety programs, please contact EHS at or 703-993-8448.