April 2018

Updating People Finder

Is your contact information up to date in People Finder, Mason’s online directory? Take a look at

To update your listing, click the “Faculty/Staff: Update Information” button on the left side of the page.

People Finder relies on individuals/offices to update directory records. Human Resources and Payroll and the Office of Space Management do not track individual office assignments, which makes your People Finder entry very important!

Contact information in PeopleFinder is used to deliver Mason E-Files Alert email messages to faculty/staff (e.g. traffic alerts or building-specific messages, such as fire alarm testing and facilities impacts).

If you are in a position to update entries in bulk, email, and we can provide current listings for your department/unit in an Excel document for you to easily update.

For questions, contact Philip Stamper, University Information, at or 703-993-5308.