January 2015

Seeking Information Fair Participants for Winter Warm-Up

The Mason Staff Senate has expo tables available for Mason offices at the information fair held in conjunction with the Staff Appreciation Winter Warm-Up. This is an opportunity for university departments to disseminate information about programs, services, events, and other activities available for staff members, either in their professional or personal lives. Events are held on all three campuses:

Arlington Campus
Monday, January 26, 2015
Founders Hall, Room 125
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Prince William Campus
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Bull Run Hall, Atrium
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Fairfax Campus
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
SUB I, Patriot’s Lounge
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.

Snow dates will be the day immediately following the originally scheduled date.

To register for a table, contact Rubi Chavez at Visit

January 2015

Staff Appreciation Winter Warm-Up


Join us for our winter 2015 Staff Appreciation Winter Warm-Up!

Cozy up to a warm drink and delectable sweets for an afternoon with your colleagues from across the university.

Arlington Campus
Monday, January 26, 2015
Founders Hall, Room 125
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
(Snow Date: January 27)

Prince William Campus
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Bull Run Hall, Atrium
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
(Snow Date: January 29)

Fairfax Campus
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
SUB I, Patriot’s Lounge
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
(Snow Date: February 4)

Open to Mason classified and non-student wage employees only. Bring your Mason ID or business card for entrance and to enter into the raffle prize.

January 2015

Winter Dining Hours on Campus

Wondering where to nosh during winter break?  Mason’s Dining Services has the scoop.  Click here for hours for all dining establishments on campus.

To learn even more about dining options on campus, like The Official Mason Dining Page on Facebook.

January 2015

From the Staff Senate Chair

Happy New Year! I hope your winter break was filled with joy and peace, as we were able to spend a few extra days with family and friends. I am looking forward to seeing you at the beginning of this new year at our Staff Appreciation Winter Warm-Up. Don’t forget to mark your calendars now.

Before we get back into the swing of things here on campus, I want to encourage you to add a resolution to your list for 2015.  I challenge you to take advantage of one new benefit, service, or training that Mason provides. It could be a professional development training offered by Human Resources, a fitness class offered by Mason Recreation, or setting aside $5 month in a retirement account. My hope is that this small step will help you accomplish more here at Mason or just lead to a better work life balance.

Let me know what you decide to do or follow my own #MasonResolution on Twitter.


Stephanie Payton

January 2015

Staff Senate on Hiatus for January General Meeting

Staff Senate on Hiatus for January General Meeting

No Staff Senate general meeting this month! The Staff Senate is putting its energy into the Staff Appreciation Winter Warm-up! Stop by to meet your senators, hang out with colleagues, and enjoy a cup of cocoa on us! Read more about the event here.

The next general meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 4, 12:00 to 2:00 pm. Information on guest speakers and location will be available on our website soon.

January 2015

December Employee of the Month: Hermione Pickett

Employee of the Month ceremony
President Ángel Cabrera presents the Employee of the Month award to Hermione Pickett at a ceremony at Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University

A heartfelt congratulations to Hermione Pickett, adult learning program coordinator in the Office of Undergraduate Education in the Office of the Provost, for being awarded the December 2014 Employee of the Month award.

Read more about Hermione in this Mason News article.

Do you know a superstar? Make sure her or she gets the deserved recognition and submit a nomination for Mason’s Employee of the Month.  Additional information can be found on the HR awards page.
Contact Reward & Recognition at with questions.

January 2015

Hylton in the Highlands: A Festival of Scotland

highlands_banner2Hylton in the Highlands

Saturday, January 24 from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm

Spend the day celebrating the rich culture and history of Scotland with performances, exhibits, and interactive experiences for all ages. From fiddles and dancing to bagpipes, tea, and whisky tastings, there’s something for everyone at the Hylton in the Highlands Festival. Tickets include all day access to all performances, interactive experiences, presentations and exhibits.

Performances by:

Interactive Experiences:



Highlighting authentic crafts and goods for sale—including jewelry, pottery, traditional apparel and much more by:

For even more detailed information about these exhibits, click here.

Taste of Scotland:

Additional fees apply for Taste of Scotland events. For more details about these offerings, click here.

See the complete Schedule of Events and buy tickets

January 2015

Have You Taken StrengthsFinder Yet?

The Gallup StrengthsFinder Assessment is free of charge to all Mason students, faculty, and staff as part of the Well-Being University Initiative. StrengthsFinder is a discovery tool to help participants identify their top five strengths, along with innovative ways to use them in everyday life. Participants will learn what they are best at doing and how to leverage those strengths. Participants may use the software to design action plans, access resources, and create groups to share their strengths with others.

To take the assessment, visit For more information, contact

January 2015

From Our Friends in Human Resources

Child Development Center Hat Drive

To help the children understand compassion and humanitarian efforts, the CDC is in the midst of a Hat Drive to benefit children at Inova Fairfax Hospital who are undergoing treatment for childhood cancer.  It is part of a wider program called Ellie’s Hats. If you would like to donate a new store-bought or home-made hat, please drop it by the HR & Payroll office (Merten 4100) or inter-office mail it to mailstop 3C3.  The CDC hat drive is underway through the end of January but HR & Payroll will have a hat box in its lobby on an ongoing basis as Ellie’s Hats collects year-round.  If you have any questions, please contact Tina Morris at

Child Development Center (CDC) Cookbooks Available

Looking for some new recipes to WOW the family?  How about a gift for that special someone who loves to cook?  Look no further!  The Child Development Center has produced a delightful cookbook full of terrific recipes shared from across the CDC, Mason, and beyond.  Literally everything from soup to nuts; all for $15.  To order, please visit or head directly to the order form at

Lunchtime Possibilities

Taking a break mid-way through your day is important to well-being.  There are many ways to get involved on campus and some of them occur over lunch.  We’ve compiled a sample of what is available at Lunchtime Possibilities.

January 2015

Looking Ahead: Events for Mason Staff, December 2014