Mason Staff Senate

From the Staff Senate Chair

Happy New Year! I hope your winter break was filled with joy and peace, as we were able to spend a few extra days with family and friends. I am looking forward to seeing you at the beginning of this new year at our Staff Appreciation Winter Warm-Up. Don’t forget to mark your calendars now.

Before we get back into the swing of things here on campus, I want to encourage you to add a resolution to your list for 2015.  I challenge you to take advantage of one new benefit, service, or training that Mason provides. It could be a professional development training offered by Human Resources, a fitness class offered by Mason Recreation, or setting aside $5 month in a retirement account. My hope is that this small step will help you accomplish more here at Mason or just lead to a better work life balance.

Let me know what you decide to do or follow my own #MasonResolution on Twitter.


Stephanie Payton