Mason Staff Senate

Message from the Chair: Patriot Pathbreakers

Lauren Clark Reuscher, Staff Senate. Photo by Evan Cantwell/Creative Services

Mason’s Outstanding Achievement Awards give us an opportunity to recognize the exceptional work of our colleagues. The Patriot Pathbreakers Award, established this year by the Staff Senate and Human Resources and Payroll, honors high-performing teams that embody the Mason value “We Thrive Together.”

This year’s Pathbreakers award winners include:

  • Office of Admissions’ Relationship Management Team
  • Student Health Services and Housing and Residence Life
  • University Life Emergency Funding Team

Read more about the work of these exceptional teams.

There were 26 team nominations for this award, which speaks to the incredible work accomplished by Mason staff over the past year. I want to extend my congratulations to all the award winners, along with my appreciation to everyone who recognized the work of their colleagues. Recognition in every form is such an integral part of our community of colleagues at Mason.

Lauren Reuscher
Chair, Staff Senate

May General Meeting Announcement

The May Staff Senate meeting will feature the Prospective Staff Senator Information Session.

Wednesday, May 5
10 a.m. to 11 a.m. – Prospective Staff Senator Information Session
General meeting will follow from 11 a.m. to noon (agenda)
Zoom Meeting:
Passcode: SS123
Call in: 301-715-8592 or 267-831-0333
Webinar ID: 976 1503 4925 / Passcode: 572793

The Staff Senate represents all classified and non-student wage employees at George Mason University. Working closely with university administration, we address concerns that have an impact on the quality of work-life for the Mason community. The work of the senate is accomplished through open and continuous communication with its constituents. Find ways to virtually engage with the senate before, during, and after general meetings.


Student Employee Appreciation Day

In honor of next week being National Student Employee Appreciation Week, University Life is partnering with Student Centers to host a Student Employee Appreciation Event at the Corner Pocket. Students can enjoy free play on all games and free ice cream. Any students who work on-campus are welcome but must register in advanced on Mason360.

Friday, April 16th, 12pm – 3pm
Corner Pocket

Register on Mason360

Spring Staff Appreciation Event Results

Staff Senate Virtual Trivia Room 

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Virtual Staff Senate Appreciation Event on March 10. District Trivia hosted a fun afternoon of trivia from all genres.  Congratulations to the winning teams that received prizes ranging from gift cards to Staff Senate giveaways.  If you would like to contribute any feedback related to this event or have suggestions for future events, please contact us.


April General Meeting Recording


The April Staff Senate meeting featured guest speaker Dr. Gregory Washington, president, George Mason University.

If you missed the session, you can check out the recording.


March in Review

Human Resources and Payroll News

Congratulations to Mason’s 2021 Outstanding Achievement Award Awardees! View the complete list of award winners. Take a moment to congratulate the winners by commenting on the “Congrats” post on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter or by sending them an e-card.

Start Planning for Open Enrollment

Annual open enrollment will be held online on EmployeeDirect from May 3–17. During annual open enrollment, you may change your health benefits coverage and enroll/re-enroll in the flexible spending accounts for the upcoming plan year.

Open enrollment changes are effective from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. In April, the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM) will mail open enrollment packets to eligible employees’ home addresses. To ensure that you receive your open enrollment packet, please check your current home address in Patriot Web and update your address if it is incorrect.

To update your address:

  • Log into Patriot Web
  • Select Personal Information tab
  • Select Personal Profile to view your current address
  • Select the pencil icon next to your address and enter your new address
  • After updating your address, you must select the Update button to save your address change

CommonHealth Weekly Wellnotes

Looking for a way to get quick wellness tips without doing any extra work? Each week, we update the CommonHealth page on the HR and Payroll website with Weekly Wellnotes that provide quick wellness tips. These tips range from how to manage stress, delicious recipes, how to nurture your relationships, financial tips, ways to stay physically healthy, and more.

Visit the CommonHealth page on the HR and Payroll website each week for a new tip.

Summer Camp Resources

Start planning for summer now! To help families with children, we compiled a list of summer camps and activities at Mason and in the surrounding community. The list is organized by area and links directly to the activity page. If you have questions about a specific camp, please contact the camp directly. 

Purple Up! For Military Kids

We’re inviting you to wear purple on April 15 for “Purple Up! For Military Kids!” April is Month of the Military Child, and on April 15, military families and communities wear purple as a way to show support for and to thank our military children for their strength, sacrifice, and courage.

Wear purple on April 15 and tag @GMUHRandPayroll on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to show your support.

The color purple was selected to represent all branches of the military. When you mix all the branches’ colors together you get purple: Air Force, Navy, and the Coast Guard service color is blue, the Army service color is green, and the Marine service is red. Purple up, Mason Nation!

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Wellness Resources

Mason’s faculty and staff have access to Kaiser Permanente’s EAP Wellness Resources, whether you’re a member of Kaiser or not. Visit their website to explore a range of self-care tools, tips, and activities to help you thrive in mind, body, and spirit. You’ll find articles, meditations, and other useful well-being resources.

Questions? Contact

TIAA Financial Seminars

Looking to learn more about your finances? TIAA is hosting several financial well-being seminars. Check out the flyer to learn more.

Upcoming Performances at Mason

In Person Events for the Center for the Arts and Hylton Performing Arts Center

The Barclay Brass :  Sunday, April 18 at 3 p.m. , Mason Pond Lawn

Dewberry School of Music
Mason Opera  Acts of Love and Marriage

Saturday, April 24 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, April 25 at 3 p.m., Hylton Center

Collision of Rhythm: Sunday, April 25 at 3 p.m.,  Mason Pond Lawn

Runaways: Friday, April 30 at 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 1 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. , Mason Pond Lawn
Written and Composed by Elizabeth Swados
Directed by Erin Gardiner, Musical Direction by Joe Walsh

Tribute to Sonny Rollins : Sunday, May 2 at 3 p.m.,  Mason Pond Lawn
Featuring Mason Jazz Faculty

Mason Arts at Home

The Artist Activist: Centering Black Voices Maurice Cherry and Lex Brown:  Tuesday, April 20 at 7 p.m., Virtual Event

Earth Day: Arcadia Mixtape:  Monday, April 22 at 7 p.m., Virtual Event

Dewberry School of Music International Jazz Day:  Friday, April 30 at 8 p.m.,  Virtual Event

Black Voices Screening: Friday, May 7 at 7:30 p.m.,  Virtual Event

Dewberry School of Music
A Song of Freedom: Musical Reflections Featuring Black Composers:
Sunday, May 8 at 8 p.m., Virtual Event

Meet Stacy D’Angelo: Staff Senator and Marketing Coordinator, Office of Communications and Marketing

Stacy D'Angelo, Staff SenateROLES: My role is to assist in the coordination, execution, and reporting on university-level marketing efforts, which often involves new tasks and responsibilities. For example, last summer I helped the Office of Continuing and Professional Education work toward its marketing goals. This past fall, I was the interim social media manager. (David Loughner is our new and amazing social media manager.) These opportunities strengthened my relationships with units throughout Mason while enhancing my goal to boost university-wide collaboration. One of my favorite duties is leading the monthly marketing group meeting. This provides an opportunity for university marketers to stay informed about the processes, tools, and changes that directly affect our success. The meeting is open to any staff member, so reach out if you’re interested.

COVID-19 TRANSITION: My transition was similar to many other parents out there. Overnight, my husband and I found ourselves working from home with our 3-year-old son. Our days were longer—beginning at dawn and often ending well into the night. As difficult as it was, I’m so thankful for all the extra memories we were able to make. My son returned to the Mason Child Development Center in September, where they have all been so incredible over the last year, and our schedules have returned (somewhat) to normal. Be sure to take time to thank the teachers and child care workers in your life. They are amazing!

BEST THING ABOUT WORKING AT MASON: I have never worked where the work/life balance is as valued as it is here. Coming to Mason has been eye-opening to what can be possible when an employer values this aspect of its employees’ health.

UNIQUE FACT: I’m from Mars! (Pennsylvania)

SUSTAINABILITY: Happy Earth Month! I feel very strongly about doing my part to make sure our earth is beautiful for future generations. One of the reasons I joined the Staff Senate was to work sustainability into the conversation. With the recent development of the ad-hoc committee Environmental Justice and Sustainability, we are beginning to identify the issues to address and potential initiatives to involve the staff in contributing to the university’s commitment to a healthy planet. This Earth Month, I ask you to think about what little changes you can make in your daily lives to make a difference. “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly.” – Anne-Marie Bonneau, author and environmentalist.


Mason Libraries provides full complimentary access to The Wall Street Journal (

Mason Libraries provides full complimentary access to The Wall Street Journal ( to current students, faculty, and staff. Creating an account is required. Learn more.