As the fall semester comes rapidly to a close, the days are flying by. Soon enough the university will shift into exam schedules and then we will be off for the break. It is important to remember that not all of our classified staff and non-student wage colleagues will have the same amount of time away from the university. Operations must go on and paychecks must be cut. To those of the Mason community who will need to be here at any time over the break, I and the rest of the Staff Senate thank you for your dedication and service to the university.
November has been a busy month. The Staff Senate has engaged an outreach program to meet you in your space. Following the survey we released for the President’s Contract Review, two of our Senators went out and connected with staff to hear their voice. We’ll be trying this out for a bit, so if you’d like to see them come to your building, send us a message!
I had the opportunity to lobby on behalf of staff during a visit from a group of state legislators. I discussed with them the need for increased pay, as well as facility concerns regarding Robinson Hall and the infrastructure to the university that is in need of an overdue upgrade. Events like these are only strengthening our voice at Mason and if there are issues you’d like me to raise with the state, please let me know.
I hope that you all enjoy the next few weeks as the semester winds down. I look forward to seeing you in the New Year!
Have happy and safe holidays!
Nicole Roth
Chair, Staff Senate