November 2014

Risky Business Week WEBINARs

logo-risky-200x200During Risky Business week, the Office of Risk Management in Association with the University Risk Management & Insurance Association (URMIA) encourages all on campus to learn more about what risk management does for them – and what they can do to better manage risks every day.  Effective risk management in higher education helps protect people, operations, finances, and resources, allowing campuses to meet their academic, social, and economic goals.  Campus risk management is everyone’s job, all year long.

Register now for the 2014 Webinars !

November 3rd,  2-3pm, Merten Hall 3300, “Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Representatives”

November 4th,  2-3:30pm, Merten Hall 1204,  “More than Responsibilities: Practical Application for Emergency Planning at a College or University”

November 5th,  2-3pm, Merten Hall 3300,  “Cyber Security”

November 6th,  12-1pm, Merten Hall 1204,  “SaVE Act & Campus Sexual Assault”

November 7th,  2-3pm, Research Hall 162,  “Understanding Appropriate Workplace Behavior”