November 2014

Lindsey Lowenberg Named November Employee of the Month

President Ángel Cabrera presents the Employee of the Month award to Lindsey Lowenberg at a ceremony at the Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University

A heartfelt congratulations to Lindsey Lowenberg, Administrative and Program Specialist for the Office of Distance Education, and Mason Staff Senator, for being awarded the November 2014 Employee of the Month award.

Read more about Lindsey in this Mason News article.

Do you know a superstar? Make sure he or she gets the deserved recognition and submit a nomination for Mason’s Employee of the Month.  Additional information can be found on the HR awards page.

Contact Reward & Recognition at with questions.


November 2014

Risky Business Week WEBINARs

logo-risky-200x200During Risky Business week, the Office of Risk Management in Association with the University Risk Management & Insurance Association (URMIA) encourages all on campus to learn more about what risk management does for them – and what they can do to better manage risks every day.  Effective risk management in higher education helps protect people, operations, finances, and resources, allowing campuses to meet their academic, social, and economic goals.  Campus risk management is everyone’s job, all year long.

Register now for the 2014 Webinars !

November 3rd,  2-3pm, Merten Hall 3300, “Roles and Responsibilities of Safety Representatives”

November 4th,  2-3:30pm, Merten Hall 1204,  “More than Responsibilities: Practical Application for Emergency Planning at a College or University”

November 5th,  2-3pm, Merten Hall 3300,  “Cyber Security”

November 6th,  12-1pm, Merten Hall 1204,  “SaVE Act & Campus Sexual Assault”

November 7th,  2-3pm, Research Hall 162,  “Understanding Appropriate Workplace Behavior”

November 2014

From the Staff Senate Chair

With midterms done and winter break right around the corner, I find that I have a bit more time in my week. Each fall, I look for campus events to attend to build my Mason spirit or help me grow personally or professionally.  This year, I am looking forward to annual events as well as some new ones.

Human Resources is hosting their annual Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day in December. This event always impresses me with the variety of workshops and speakers that are offered to us as faculty and staff participants. Look out for registration launching in the next week. A new event I will be participating in this November 3-7 is Risky Business Week. This weeklong program of webinars covers items from Cyber Security to the Campus SaVE Act. Register if you can join, or you can view them after the event on YouTube!

Stephanie Payton

Chair, Mason Staff Senate

November 2014

Bike Fix-it Stations at Mason

Bike Fix It StationDo you commute to work by bicycle?  Perhaps you’ve been considering that option but have concerns about what to do if your bike needs repairs when you get to campus.  Mason Parking and Transportation has installed two bike fix-it stations for bike commuters to use, free of charge.  Located by Innovation Hall on Fairfax Campus and at Prince William behind Occoquan Hall, these stations have a dozen standard bike repair tools, an air pump, and a stand on which to secure your bike while doing repairs.  Two additional stations are in the works now:  at Starbucks across from Merten Hall, and in front of Founder’s Hall on the Arlington Campus.  Check out all the other great resources for bicycle commuters at here.  Send your thanks to the Parking and Transportation department for thinking about all commuters!

November 2014

Congratulations to Recipients of Outstanding Achievement Awards!

Each year, George Mason honors its very best with Outstanding Achievement Awards.  These awards are given to celebrate the hard work, dedication, and achievements of Mason’s faculty and staff across several awards categories.  A big congratulations to all recipients of this year’s Outstanding Achievement awards, and a special nod to the Staff Senators receiving Exceptional Support Awards:

  • Susan Brionez, Volgenau School of Engineering
  • Douglas S. Hernandez, University Libraries
  • Megan Kirk, Human Resources & Payroll

The ceremony will be held on November 4, 2014 from 2:30-4:00 in the Global Center Ballroom. All are welcome.

November 2014

Mark Your Calendar! Winter Staff Appreciation Events Scheduled!

Come out and join your fellow Mason staffers at this year’s Winter Staff Appreciation Events!

Staff Appreciation Coffee Klatch hosted by the Staff Senate at the Fairfax Campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
Staff Appreciation events hosted by the Staff Senate at the Fairfax Campus. | Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services, George Mason University

Prince William, Bull Run Hall Atrium, Wednesday, January 29, noon – 2:00 pm  (Snow Date, Thursday, January 30)

Arlington, Founder’s Hall, Wednesday, February 5, 9:30 – 11:00 am (Snow Date, Thursday, February 6)

Fairfax, Patriot’s Lounge, Sub I, Wednesday, February 11, 9:30 – 11:30 am (Snow Date, Thursday, February 12)

We look forward to seeing you there!

November 2014

Mason Lobbies and State Government Relations to be Highlighted at November Staff Senate Meeting

Mason students, faculty, and alumni visit the Senate Chamber of the Virginia State Capitol during Mason Lobby Day in Richmond. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
Mason students, faculty, and alumni visit the Senate Chamber of the Virginia State Capitol during Mason Lobby Day in Richmond. | Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University
Wednesday, November 5
12:00 – 2:00 pm
Fairfax, Research 163; Arlington, Founders Hall B119; and Prince William, Bull Run Hall 254

Guest Speakers:

Mark Smith, Director, State Government Relations, Government and Community Relations
Kevin Jackson, Jr., Student Government – Secretary of Government and Community Relations, Mason Lobbies

Guest speakers begin at noon, followed by time to ask questions, express concerns, or offer accolades about issues concerning the Staff Senate. The Staff Senate business meeting begins at 1:00 p.m. All are welcome, and registration is not necessary.


November 2014

Senator Highlight – Stephanie Zeher

Stephanie Zeher

Stephanie Zeher, Student Outreach and Advising Coordinator  Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University
Stephanie Zeher, Student Outreach and Advising Coordinator | Photo by Creative Services, George Mason University

Student Outreach and Advising Coordinator
College of Education and Human Development

I started at Mason fresh out of college (Radford University) in 2006. I had been a student worker while a Political Science undergrad at Radford for the Admissions Office, so it was my only real office experience. After I graduated, the Registrar’s Office hired me and I found a new calling…. Higher Education. I never looked back.

During my career at Mason, I naturally gravitated to the Staff Senate. It’s always been in my blood to be a part of something bigger than just myself. I was always on Student Government in high school or in a sorority in college. I like being connected and “in the know.” I’ve made some truly wonderful friends on the Staff Senate as well, which makes it even more enjoyable. I am a new member of the Events Committee. I guess they figured if I can pull off planning and executing two convocations ceremonies (GSE and RHT) for my full time job then I could contribute to this committee as well!

My personal goal is to ski the Alps in all eight European countries. So far I’ve skied the German, French, and Italian Alps. It might be awhile until I can hit the slopes again.  I’ll have to get my 13 month old son Coen trained first. Yes, I will be that mom on the slopes with their little munchkin on a leash and skis!

November 2014

Save the Date! Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day: Living the Mason Values – December 2

Fairfax campus in the Fall. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University
Fairfax campus in the Fall. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

How do you live the Mason values? Each week at @MasonFSED we will feature a different value – tell us what you’re doing to embody that value for a chance to win a weekly prize and to be entered into the Grand Prize drawing. Tweet us @MasonFSED for your chance to win!

And join us at Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day on December 2 in the Johnson Center, Fairfax Campus, to discover tools and resources so you can incorporate the Mason values into your job.

Speakers and other details will be available when registration opens November 3 at

November 2014

From our Friends in Human Resources and Payroll

CHHS nursing students giving flu shots. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University
CHHS nursing students giving flu shots. Photo by Creative Services/George Mason University

Last On-Site Flu Shot Clinic

For COVA Care, COVA HDHP, and COVA HealthAware participants, there is an on-site flu shot clinic in conjunction with Faculty-Staff Enrichment Day on Tuesday, December 2 from 9:00-2:00 in the Johnson Center Gold Room. To make an appointment, please call 877.728.6655, Monday-Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. For details, please visit Flu Shot Information 2014. If you have any questions, please call the HR & Payroll Customer Service Center at 3.2600 and ask for the Life/Work Connections team.

November Classes

Financial education is just a click away!  Please review the diverse learning opportunities available on-campus or on-line throughout this academic year. Programming runs across many different financial topics including budgeting, saving, individual planning, investing, and retirement.  This month, on-site classes, held at noon (and video-conferenced to Arlington and Prince William*) include:

Classes this Month

November 12:  Retirement Education for Those at Mid-Career with Steve Scott from ICMA-RC

November 13: Building a Better Budget with Sarah Lieu from Apple Federal Credit Union

November 20: Fabulous Finds for Less – Fashion, Furnishings and Power Tools at Thrift Stores and Yard Sales with Bobbie Merritt from HR & Payroll

November 24: Making the Most of Annuities with Jeff Jones from Fidelity Investments

To register for these classes, please visit  To review the entire financial well-being program, visit Financial Well-Being at Mason (

National Outdoor Challenge

Mason is one of 10 schools vying to win the National Outdoor Challenge.  At stake are bragging rights (of course), $50,000 worth of outdoor gear for the university, and a chance for you to win a prize too.  Wow.  Participating is easy.  Check out the infographic at  1) register at 2) Participate in an outdoor activity for 30 minutes  – hiking, biking, walking, running, picnicking, gardening, walking your dog, you name it, 3) Take a picture of yourself doing it, 4) Upload the photo to the challenge website 5) Repeat and spread the word.   Faculty, staff, and students are eligible to participate but so are alumni, retirees, friends and family.   When signing up, select George Mason University as the school you’re supporting.  The Challenge is underway until November 22. Mason Recreation will be giving out weekly prizes as well.

Go Mason!!  Let’s bring that prize back home to Northern Virginia!

Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign

The 2014 Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign (CVC) is under way.  Contact Helga Yunker at for pledge cards or additional information.  Online giving is available for both payroll deduction as well as one-time credit card donations at eDirect (  A list of charities can be viewed at