February 2015

Senator Highlight: Marit Majeske

Marit Majeske Front of House Manager, Hylton Performing Arts Center
Marit Majeske
Front of House Manager, Hylton Performing Arts Center

I came to Mason just before the Hylton Performing Arts Center opened on the Prince William Campus in April 2010. During and immediately after college, I worked on several political campaigns in South Carolina, Virginia, and Illinois. After I finished working for Bill Foster for Congress in Illinois in 2008, I decided I wanted to go back to working in the field that I grew up in – the arts. During my career transition, I interned at the Kennedy Center and was an Assistant House Manager at Ford’s Theater.

I joined the Staff Senate to connect with more staff members across the university and to have the opportunity to work with people on the other campuses. When I joined, the Senate was entering a time of transition, and it has been great to see how it has grown over the past couple years. The Senate is extremely active and involved on all campuses. I have enjoyed serving on various university committees, because it has given me the opportunity to work with other Mason employees with whom I would have never otherwise worked.

This year, I am on the Events Committee. This committee is responsible for the bi-annual Staff Appreciation Events. I also serve on the University Process Improvement Council (UPIC) and the Recreation Advisory Committee as the Staff Senate representative. UPIC is responsible for Mason Matters and improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of university processes. The Recreation Committee has student, faculty, and staff representatives and hears ideas for Mason Recreation from the campus community.

I am equally as active in my life outside of Mason as I am in my life at Mason. I ran my first 5K on Thanksgiving Day and love to watch British period dramas. I love musical theater and try to see as much as I can when our theater schedule allows. I enjoy visiting historic homes (especially Colonial era). Recently, I started running and also enjoy taking spin classes.