Check out the following financial wellness resources from the Virginia Department of Human Resource Management (DHRM):
Webinars: During COVID-19, we invite you to view Virginia Credit Union’s August pre-recorded “Managing Debt during COVID-19” webinar. Having to deal with debt in a normal environment can be very stressful. With the added impact of an economic crisis, it can become overwhelming. This webinar will provide answers to key questions you must ask yourself to successfully manage debt during these challenging times. View Now.
After viewing the webinar, please complete this short survey: Webinar Survey
If you missed July’s Financial Webinar Topic, “Your Credit Score” click here: View Now.
Virginia Retirement System (VRS): Don’t let an unexpected expense catch you off-guard. Take the new myVRS Financial Wellness course, setting up an Emergency Fund, to learn how you can prepare for life’s financial surprises. You have access to an entire curriculum of financial wellness courses, articles, tools and more directly through your myVRS account. Visit to learn how the financial knowledge you gain and the steps you take today help you build the future you imagine.
Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Your health plan may offer services from debt counseling to estate planning that is available to you.