October 2023 November 2023

Fall 2023 Transformation Bootcamp: From Surviving to Thriving

It’s not JUST fiscal anymore! This year we are taking this initiative to the next level!

Do you find the interworking of Mason fiscal policies and procedures an enigma? Do you ever feel tangled in the web of workflows and tasks? Then please join finance, operations, and administrative community members for the Fall 2023 Transformation Boot Camp: From Surviving to Thriving!

Many of our processes are governed by multiple policies, involve various systems, and require coordination across many offices within the University that can seem complex to everyone! The Fall Transformation Bootcamp will attempt to “pull back to the curtain” on many of these procedures, demystify processes, develop and encourage University best practices, and so much more! 

Attendees can participate virtually on November 13 and 14, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The sessions will also be recorded and made available online for later viewing.

The agenda and session information will be available soon on the Boot Camp webpage. Mark your calendars, and register now in MasonLEAPS.